Apollo Discussions > The Hoax Theory

Number '10' (maybe) in Apollo 11 Lunar Orbit TV transmission?

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Hmmm could it be an RCS cluster on the LM? The LM is pointing at the lunar surface at this point, isn't it? But not straight down, as that's the issue Collin's was having in that the craft wanted to keep aligning itself with the lunar surface, while they were trying to keep it angled to keep the view out the windows? Seems a pretty likely candidate, they stick out from the body of the LM, meaning you're not likely to see the rest of the LM, and it is definitely outside the window, but near the CSM.


--- Quote from: TimberWolfAu on September 24, 2023, 09:22:42 AM ---It's all good, a Mr Jarrah White is investigating!! We're saved!! Heh. Apparently 'Dr' Rasa can't comment, he's back in Facebook jail :)

On the bright side, he's been nice enough to identify the craters for us.

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It's not that difficult to identify the craters, given that they name them in the broadcast!

He could even have gone one step further and conceded that those craters are more detailed in the Apollo broadcast!

To his credit, he (and a couple of others in his current sphere of influence) is quick to dispel the more stupid arguments on the grounds that they make them look dumb, so at least he's been honest enough to say "I don't know".

As for it being a reflection of an RCS thruster, I'm not convinced, but it's certainly a better suggestion than "it's a label on the model that was removed during the broadcast once they realised it was there", which some are actually claiming.


--- Quote from: onebigmonkey on September 24, 2023, 11:43:15 AM ---As for it being a reflection of an RCS thruster, I'm not convinced, but it's certainly a better suggestion than "it's a label on the model that was removed during the broadcast once they realised it was there", which some are actually claiming.

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Oh I'll admit it's speculation, which is pretty much all we have. I think the likely culprit is something to do with the LM, Kiwi suggested one of the antenna rigs but I think the only thing on the same side as Aldrin would have been the S-band rig (assuming I've got the orientation lined up in my head right). Could be a reflection of something next to the window on the interior, they didn't darken the cabin for the footage, and the movement would look similar, if not the same, as something outside the window.

Pretty sure this will end up in the bucket of "they can't explain it so it must be fake!!"


--- Quote from: TimberWolfAu on September 24, 2023, 11:22:15 AM ---Hmmm could it be an RCS cluster on the LM? The LM is pointing at the lunar surface at this point, isn't it? ...Seems a pretty likely candidate, they stick out from the body of the LM, meaning you're not likely to see the rest of the LM, and it is definitely outside the window, but near the CSM.
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Yes, I thought of that after posting here, then inspecting as many still photos as possible of the top of Eagle from inside the CM. It was after 3 am NZDT so my brain was fading, but I couldn't see anything near the top of the LM that looked like the ring in the video, and particularly not the VHF antenna at the top rear of Eagle.  There are still the S-Band and Rendezvous Radar antennas to consider, but the solid and bright, shiny appearance of the "ring" in the video reminded me mostly of the RCS thrusters. Lighting conditions at the time could have made the view down the nozzle of a thruster look like a ring from that angle if very little light got inside the nozzle.

Edited: Having previously looked at the still photos and now viewing the video again, I can understand what we are seeing. The entire sequence runs form 0:12:27 to 0:13:13 and the most relevant part starts at 0:12:54  when we get a close-up view of an antenna on the left and a bunch of RCS thrusters near top centre.

The concentric rings that form the thrusters' nozzles become more obvious at 0:13:07 when the zoom is adjusted and we are viewing just the light reflecting off the two nozzles at right angles to each other (the "rods" in my first post), and in between them but a little higher than dead centre is a front-on (or top-down) view of the single thruster that is facing the camera (the "ring").

So, do those particular views match the "10" in the first video?


AS11-36-5403 was taken at a completely different time but it shows the LM RCS highlights can at least appear similar. It has a tilted "1" too.


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