Apollo Discussions > The Reality of Apollo

David Scott

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Bob B.:
I saw David Scott deliver a talk last night at the USAF museum.  He spoke about his career in the airforce and as an astronaut.  He talked mostly about Apollo 15, as you would expect.  He seemed like a really cool guy, I enjoyed listening to him.


Al Johnston:
The book he wrote with Alexei Leonov is very good too  :D

Awesome! Did he say much about his Gemini flight and Apollo 9? Also, did you get a chance to meet him?

Bob B.:

--- Quote from: Al Johnston on May 24, 2012, 04:29:15 AM ---The book he wrote with Alexei Leonov is very good too  :D
--- End quote ---

I've read that book and found it good.  Honestly, I found the Alexei Leonov more interesting than the David Scott part, but that is likely because I was less familiar with the Soviet story so there was more to learn from it.

Near the end of the talk, Col. Scott plugged the book and talked briefly about meeting Alexei Leonov.  When they first met, Leonov broke the ice with a joke, which Scott repeated to the audience.  Col. Scott also talked about another story from the book, when he and Neil Armstrong represented NASA at the Paris airshow c.1967.  There were also a couple Soviet cosmonauts at the airshow, though he and Armstrong were advised to avoid having contact with them.  Nonetheless, when an opportunity came up to meet the cosmonauts, they took it.  One serious looking cosmonaut whisked Scott and Armstrong away to a private area, but once they got there, the vodka started flowing.  The cosmonauts ended up being good guys just like themselves and they had a good time drinking and talking.

Bob B.:

--- Quote from: BertL on May 24, 2012, 06:36:18 AM ---Awesome! Did he say much about his Gemini flight and Apollo 9? Also, did you get a chance to meet him?
--- End quote ---

He did talk about his Gemini 8 and Apollo 9 experience, though only briefly.  He just gave a summary of the goals of each mission and what happened.  I don't think there was anything he said about the missions that I didn't already know, though it was great hearing it from him directly.  Most of the time was spent talking about Apollo 15.  He spoke quite a bit about the landing site and his surface explorations.

Unfortunately there was no chance to meet him.  He had engagement on the east coast the next day and had a flight to catch.  We were actually asked to stay in our seats for a few minutes so Col. Scott could make his getaway without having to deal with a crowd.


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