I was thinking to do a comparison between him and similar cases. For instance, I found from my readings that a person exhibiting stigmata was found to be hysteric. The weeping statues or pictures in his home were done by his family who were manipulating him. In another case, there was hemiplegia of hysteric origin misdiagnosed so when the person was healed due to suggestion it was considered a miracle in Lourdes. Also, in Asclepian temples, there was an interesting phenomena called dream healing where a dream is solicited and people see Asclepius healing them in dreams and wake up healed.
Combine these three cases and you can solve one case here that was said to have hemiplegia,had a dream where the saint healed her,woke up with scars and got healed. You can at least doubt strongly, although you did not examine her, that she had hysteric hemiplegia and those weeping statues or pictures in her home are done by her family who are manipulating her same as that man I mentioned above..the dream also was solicited by prayer, and by fasting and pain similar to what takes place in different cultures.. so it is very similar to cases studied and examined ..
I was hoping someone with similar experiences with patients who are similar to this man's case could offer a plausible diagnosis from an expert point of view . There are many things to be looked at. One of them is that he was kneeling and woke up kneeling..as if frozen..
Another thing he felt very warm in the midst of the cold night. Are there some physiological changes that are scientifically observed under such circumstances of hallucination that can offer a plausible diagnosis?. Is there some disease or case that can connect all of what he says ? I hope if experts are here and want to comment they do.