Author Topic: NASA photographic record of Manned Moonlanding:Is there evidence of fabrication?  (Read 275322 times)

Offline Romulus

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I know more about this particular subject than anyone here...

I require a demonstration of that knowledge.  Start by answering the various questions put to you regarding your claims on that topic.
The problem is Mr'Windley is that  whether or not you get it or not , it is not going to effect your 'opinion'.

You are one of the most dishonest persons I have ever encountered on the internet while discussing this subject, and that is some kind of accomplishment that sets you apart from the rest.

Offline JayUtah

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The problem is Mr'Windley is that  whether or not you get it or not , it is not going to effect your 'opinion'.

I didn't mention anything about affecting my opinion.  What you said was that you "know more about this particular subject than anyone here."  Will you demonstrate that you do?
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline Chief

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The first element of evidence I will present is the quality of the Apollo surface photography as taken with the Hasselbad cameras using Kodak Ectachrome film.
Here is the description of an experiment describing the effects of specific forms of radiation on that film, after exposure:

Ahem! You gave this link to Dark Moon, are you now saying you never read it? How do you know what's in it then?

One might deduce you are not telling the truth.

Offline Romulus

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What a person enjoys doing reveals a lot about his personality and character.What this forum is in essence is a gang lying in wait to waylay an adversary by piling on, it is more or less an pseudo-intellectual bushwhacking. Have fun, I've already gotten what I came for Mr.WIndley, I think what you have revealed about your character and that of those who work with you is probably more than you intended.

Offline Bob B.

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Have fun, I've already gotten what I came for Mr.WIndley

A butt kicking?

Offline Luke Pemberton

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Can someone persuade Adrian to make a return?
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people – Sir Isaac Newton.

A polar orbit would also bypass the SAA - Tim Finch

Offline Abaddon

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You are a liberal democrat, aren't you?
Who cares? This is all about facts, not partisan politics. It beggars belief that you would invoke politics as opposition to facts. In fact it is telling that you think politics trumps reality.

You keep lying like a rug about things I've supposedly said and I will not permit it to go unchalleneged. You have lied dozens of times about what  have said, and you are in the simplest of terms a blowhard and a liar.
What a load. I have interacted with Jay for years, and you would be hard pressed to find a more upstanding professional anywhere. Never have I seen JU tell an untruth ever in any topic.
What I actually said is that NASA does not publish any detailed information on the translunar injection trajectories. I wasn't referring to books written by propagandists.
Having accused unjustifiably Jay of lying, you then proceed to lying yourself. It is difficult to understand that level of dishonesty.
I want NASA's data so I can use it to prove they lied like they do about nearly everything else.
Yet another lie. You can obtain the trajectory data since it is publicly available from NASA. Your incompetence at finding it is no excuse for your abject ignorance for the facts. In fact, the trajectory data has been posted on this very site many times. You are simply too lazy to look it up, and no, I am not going to look it up for you, look it up yourself.

Offline Chief

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What a person enjoys doing reveals a lot about his personality and character.What this forum is in essence is a gang lying in wait to waylay an adversary by piling on, it is more or less an pseudo-intellectual bushwhacking. Have fun, I've already gotten what I came for Mr.WIndley, I think what you have revealed about your character and that of those who work with you is probably more than you intended.

No you're wrong what you have here is a group of like minded people who share a love of knowledge, science and truth. The reason you appear to be so ganged up on is because you are the only one here who is crying hoax. You must have known this when you first posted.

If you want a more 'balanced' debate I suggest you move over to the David Icke forums. Then you can discuss how the lizard people are the true rulers of the world and how the moon is actually a hollow spacecraft. You know, things you are more likely to believe.

You'll feel at home and fit right in.

Offline ka9q

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Even if we knew the precise trajectory they took (WHICH WE DO NOT!)
Found this 142-page document in only 30 seconds of searching on the NTRS:

Apollo mission 11, trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis, volume 1

The pdf document is available here:

In other words, "Romulus", you haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about.

Offline Abaddon

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Even if we knew the precise trajectory they took (WHICH WE DO NOT!)
Found this 142-page document in only 30 seconds of searching on the NTRS:

Apollo mission 11, trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis, volume 1

The pdf document is available here:

In other words, "Romulus", you haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about.

Surely not. Romulus tells us that there is no such public record.

He couldn't possibly be wrong. Surely not. Say it ain't so.

Offline JayUtah

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    • Clavius is more or less an pseudo-intellectual bushwhacking. Have fun...

Leaving so soon?

So a average joe walks into the gym.  Says he can bench-press 400 lbs.  Starts poking all the regular gymrats there, taunting them about how he's gonna wipe the mats with them -- talks a big game.  Goes over to the bench and tries to figure out how to put standard weight plates onto the Olympic bar.  A guy comes over and says, "Those don't go on that bar," and the average joe cusses him up one side and down the other about what a dishonest low-life he is, and how he's gonna regret it.  Finally figures out how to get two 10-lb. plates onto the bar, does a couple reps, and then goes back to boasting.  Finally when all the gymrats crowd around him and compel him to lift 400 lbs., he scoffs at them and walks out of the gym.

What are the chances that guy really could lift 400 pounds?

I think what you have revealed about your character and that of those who work with you is probably more than you intended.

Am I supposed to cry now?
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline JayUtah

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In other words, "Romulus", you haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about.

Careful.  He might call you a liberal.
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline AtomicDog

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Is "my computer was hacked" on the bingo card?
"There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death." - Isaac Asimov

Offline Luke Pemberton

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neutrinos can usually pass through light-years of lead without stopping

I know, it's just difficult to comprehend. Writing this I have been bathed in billions of neutrinos. It is quite interesting that the neutrino burst from a supernova is detected in advance of of the visible light burst, where photons from the latter can take several days to pass through the collapsing core. Here is an interesting article on photon journeys from the centre of the sun.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people – Sir Isaac Newton.

A polar orbit would also bypass the SAA - Tim Finch

Offline Abaddon

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Am I supposed to cry now?

Why yes! And retract all of your qualifications, and any papers you may have written, and any patents you may hold, and any experience you may have, and any videos you may have been involved in, and any jobs you may have held, and any companies you may have started, or even hold shares in.

Or you could say "Oh look, another crank"

I leave the choice to you.