Can you please update us on this? And for new members, post somewhere permanent the actual procedure for including images in posts and recommend places where they can be hosted. Occasionally new members have asked for help with posting images and not stayed around.
I still recommend hosting images elsewhere for several reasons:
1. It prevents the forum from becoming too large too manage. Backing up the forum or transferring it to another server becomes difficult if I have to move large numbers of large files.
2. It prevents the forum from exceeding the disk space and bandwidth limits imposed by my host. We have several hundred members, and the forum is nearly 20 years old. If I had been allowing members to upload large image files for all this time the forum would have outgrown my ability to host it long ago.
3. Other hosting services (like Dropbox) are ultimately more reliable, and they allow those images to be shared on other forums in addition to this one. Image hosted by the forum can't be shared on other forums in order to protect my bandwidth.
4. The forum does allow you to attach images to your posts, but they do not appear inline with the text. This is out of my control.
I have increased the limits imposed on image attachments. You can no upload up to 10 images as long as their combined file sizes don't exceed 10mb. Individual file sizes must not exceed 1mb.