So, once again, I re-iterate that I am not here to defend Trump, but to point our the very human trait that all people, including the posters here, are subject to - which is that we can let emotions and other factors interfere with our critical thinking process(es), just as CTs do. And as such, we should all remind ourselves to be vigilant over ourselves to minimize such behavior(s).
Such as, for example, suggesting that Trump's accquittal in an impeachment trial where he blocked evidence and witnesses shows him to not be above the law? I repeat my earlier question: If he, as the indictee, gets to decide (or indeed have any say at all) what evidence is seen and what witnesses testify, how is that not abusing his power and being above the law? Who else gets to decide how their own trial goes in that way?
He doesn't.
The problem is that all but four Senate Republicans put loyalty to (or probably more likely,
fear of) party ahead of loyalty to country. The Senate majority did not even pretend to act as an impartial arbiter - Senate leadership
explicitly said they would be coordinating with the White House defense. That wasn't Trump's doing, that was McConnell's doing.
The President
cannot determine what witnesses the Senate may or may not call, or what evidence they may or may not see, except by claiming executive privilege or national security or whatever and jamming it up in the courts. Congress doesn't legally answer to the President, and they don't have to do a goddamned thing he says (within the limits of the Constitution, anyway). McConnell and the majority of Senate Republicans
chose to let him dictate what evidence would or wouldn't be heard.
They're in on the con. The Senate is
just fine with everything Trump has done so far, including inviting a geopolitical adversary to interfere in domestic elections,
because those Senators personally benefit from it. The corruption isn't limited to the White House.
Once again, some more, with feeling - Trump isn't the problem. Trump is only a symptom of the problem. The problem runs much deeper, and is much worse than most people realize.
Screw the White House, we need to keep the House and win the Senate, and by
yooge numbers. It doesn't matter if Trump is still President if Congress is willing to stand up to him.