Just edit out the "s"
I know. I did. I shouldn't have to. It caused me considerable teeth-gnawing when I found out. 
Hence this "bug report" (or feature request).
I think this is a "feature" of SMF. I have dabbled, but not run an active SMF board previously. Chuck the extraneous "s" seems the appropriate action. Clicking on a wooboob video does not require SSL encryption, nor reveals any extra personal data should you do so.
LO could modify the SMF code to do so if you wished, but it would likely invalidate any guarantees/service agreements/licences. Not a good thing.
Be under no illusion. LO runs this at his own personal expense simply because he considers it a worthwhile thing to do. If that requires some compromise, so be it. If on the other hand you require some strange customised version, then that can also be accommodated, but you will have to pay for that. No reputable hosting service will allow a spurious version of any software on their network unless it is scrupulously tested and verified, and even then, it will cost you extra. I know this because right now, once again, I must demonstrate to our hosting provider that my latest project will not compromise their network integrity. You accept the defaults or you pay a bucket of cost. That's just how the world works.