Author Topic: Apollo 10 Magazine Y 16mm unplotted locations  (Read 4488 times)

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Apollo 10 Magazine Y 16mm unplotted locations
« on: June 18, 2016, 04:21:06 AM »
I’ve been busy plotting the tracks of 16mm orbital footage on Google Moon and every so often come across footage whose locations aren’t on the NASA plotting maps available here:
For Apollo 10’s Magazine Y 16mm footage there is this description at the AFJ for frames 2051-3603:
“Frames 2051-3603 Not plotted. Broken series of frames of hand-held telephoto panoramic spots of lunar farside scene; mostly low obliques and near vertical. Locations questionable.”
which is a description taken from the NASA photography analysis report.
I like a challenge.
This photograph is a screenshot taken from my google moon plotting of these frames, which show features between longitude 133 East across Catena Gregory and ending at  a crater between Saha and Buisson at longitude 107 East.

I await the shoulder high carrying through the inevitable ticker tape parade with eager anticiption...