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The Reality of Apollo / Re: Apollo 11 and 17 imaged by South Korea
« Last post by onebigmonkey on May 03, 2024, 03:49:22 PM »
And now there's every chance that Apollo 15 has been viewed by Danuri's "Shadowcam" imager. Designed to look in areas normally in darkness, it's also been used to see the lunar surface under Earthshine conditions.

Here's their image browser:

and the specific link to the data:

With a lot of forcing (HDR toning, increasing the dpi etc etc), I've been able to compare the Apollo 15 landing site with the LRO view:

For my money, there is something there where the LM should be, and a hint of a trail to the ALSEP site.

The Hoax Theory / Re: New interview: Joe Rogan and Bart Sibrel
« Last post by JayUtah on May 03, 2024, 09:49:33 AM »
Oh yeah, he'll never allow a direct debate.  He's much too afraid of having his empire of lies exposed, knowing he can't defend them in real time.  Bart always requires a safety net.

Even then it's iffy. He was invited to appear on the Channel 4 program I participated in. It wouldn't have been a live debate or an ambush. He would have had his own segment, filmed separately, just like all the other talent. To this day he maintains he wanted to appear, but was denied for ideological reasons. The real reason was that he demanded a $2500 appearance fee. He priced himself out of the market. I gather this whole hoax thing has never been anything more than a convenient grift for him.
The Hoax Theory / Re: New interview: Joe Rogan and Bart Sibrel
« Last post by Obviousman on May 02, 2024, 05:20:16 PM »
I'd like to see HIM ambushed with cameras and mics, bombarded with questions. It would make interesting viewing.
The Hoax Theory / Re: New interview: Joe Rogan and Bart Sibrel
« Last post by beedarko on May 01, 2024, 11:27:19 PM »
I'd love to see Sibrel in a debate, he really isn't used to people questioning him.

Oh yeah, he'll never allow a direct debate.  He's much too afraid of having his empire of lies exposed, knowing he can't defend them in real time.  Bart always requires a safety net.

Probably the closest thing you'll see to a direct confrontation was the time I challenged him to answer for his claims in the chat room during his appearance on Team Alpha.  He acknowledged me but then got pissy and summarily ignored all my questions.
The Hoax Theory / Re: New interview: Joe Rogan and Bart Sibrel
« Last post by TimberWolfAu on April 30, 2024, 03:20:55 AM »
I'd love to see Sibrel in a debate, he really isn't used to people questioning him. Oh, and don't forget he's got a contact in CNSA, wont tell us who though  ::) Pretty sure most people know who he's referring too, a certain 'not a Dr'
The Hoax Theory / New interview: Joe Rogan and Bart Sibrel
« Last post by beedarko on April 26, 2024, 11:54:41 PM »
A few thoughts:

- At 30:00-ish, Bart rehashes the tired old trope about the Apollo 11 crew being in "low earth orbit" despite his claim being debunked, dissected and dismantled thoroughly over the past two decades.  The poor guy just can't bring himself to admit defeat on this easily disproved allegation.

- Rogan is not very good at steel-manning an argument.  His biases from 15 years ago still hinder his ability to think rationally on the topic, and he has a bad habit of making false, pointless concessions.

- Despite supposedly doing a 180 on his moon landing beliefs, Joe is still of the opinion that some of the official NASA photos were "faked".  Naturally Bart seizes on these admissions like a pit bull on a pork chop, as the lisp and spittle intensify.

- Despite 2 and 3, Rogan does manage to challenge Bart on several occasions, clearly annoying him in the process.  Bart is not used to this, as he typically only accepts interviews with "friendlies" who let his asinine assertions slide while they serve up the next volley of softball questions.  At one point he becomes so flustered that he asks Joe (essentially) which side of the debate he's on.

General Discussion / Re: Kids say the darnedest things...
« Last post by Peter B on April 25, 2024, 09:07:44 AM »
13YOS and I are painting some miniature figurines (from the boardgame 'Talisman').

Mum walks in.

13YOS: Hi Mum, we're painting these figurines.

Mum (rolling her eyes): Yes, I can see that.

Me: Ah yes, his special subject today is 'The Bleeding Obvious'.

16YOS walks in and looks at us.

16YOS: What are you doing?
The Reality of Apollo / Re: Apollo 11 and 17 imaged by South Korea
« Last post by Zakalwe on April 22, 2024, 03:27:36 AM »
Even S. Korea are part of the global conspiracy and are doing their bit to maintain it even after all these years!

The Reality of Apollo / Apollo 11 and 17 imaged by South Korea
« Last post by onebigmonkey on April 21, 2024, 03:42:31 AM »
Quietly, and without too much fuss, South Korea has been photographing the lunar surface, and has managed to get shots of Apollo 11 and Apollo 17's lunar modules. They've also imaged a decent chunk of Hadley Rille - they just miss the landing site, but photos taken of the rille are, unsurprisingly, a perfect match for those taken during Apollo 15.

Here's their tweet about it:

The raw images are available here:

There's a view of Apollo 11 taken in May that isn't yet availalbe.

If you want to grab the files yourself, search for these in the lists:

Apollo 11 (March 2023 folder)


Apollo 17 (March 2023 folder)


Hadley Rille (February 2023 folder)


There are .img and .png formats, as well as RAW and Processed versions (I've edited out the parts of the filename that reference raw/calibrated). Each specific time and date from 'LUTIA' has a companion 'LUTIB' image if you want to view the wider site.

Here are Apollo 11 and 17 from my own processing:

And Apollo 11 from May 2023 that isn't yet public as a raw image

They idenitfy the large white flare as the LRRR.
The Reality of Apollo / Homemade Documentaries - YT channel
« Last post by Peter B on April 16, 2024, 09:48:48 AM »
I've only just started exploring this channel, but I thought it worth a shout-out anyway.

Has some really nice videos on a range of NASA programs and missions.

Check it out!
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