Apollo Discussions > The Reality of Apollo

Book Review/New Book!!

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Had something turn up in the post today

Andy Saunders' Apollo Remastered

I just got my copy of Apollo Outfitters, about the design and development of the Apollo space suits. Looks very impressive at first glance.

Also ordered a copy of The NASA Archives. 60 Years in Space. 40th Ed, part of the package deal. Will see what it's like when it turns up but claims to have some concept sketches and such, which I love, seeing how designs change from original ideas to actual reality.

Oh.....and for the more conspiratorial tone, Apollo Remastered includes a copy of.............. the C-rock photo!!!! Alas, it's been cropped to only focus on the astronaut and the rover, so close  ;D A few have been cropped, to provide more focus on things like that, but there's also a few panorama's joined together, with at least one fold out I've found so far.

"Never Panic Early" by Fred Haise. Excellent read with some aspects I hadn't known. Definitely recommended.

Also "Tough & Competent" by Gene Kranz. A look behind NASA management, and full of helpful information about being a leader.


--- Quote from: JayUtah on October 06, 2023, 05:53:21 PM ---I just got my copy of Apollo Outfitters, about the design and development of the Apollo space suits. Looks very impressive at first glance.

--- End quote ---

Definitely a very good book


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