#11: Ross Taylor interview - I've provided the link. All you have to do is read the interview.
Found your link, and it's on my list to check out. Thank you.
Skimming it -- very long. I get it -- "lots of qualifications", but also "You remained a consultant for NASA for 20 years, didn't you?"...
Paid by NASA, and probably is best paying client/boss. If he was "inept" they'd find someone else to earn this good money.
Before taking the job, probably had to sign away a few Rights (NDA stuff, etc) -- so that if he decided to "choose honesty over very good money" - he couldn't legally be honest... He'd be breaking the law against NASA (not just a normal commercial company).
So once again you casually invent negative character traits while providing no evidence, in order to make the man fit your narrative. Of course, anyone who’s read the interview would know how unlikely those character traits would’ve been in Taylor. It’s also particularly noticeable that you do this while with an equal lack of evidence you beatify Thomas Baron.
Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that Taylor was “paid by NASA”?
So you are correct -- these type results that can only be proclaimed by "those working for NASA" -- are not so compelling to me either way. To me - it's "just words" - predictable words.
And now we have the circular argument that any scientist studying Apollo rocks is “working for NASA” therefore will toe the NASA line; and that because all the scientists agree with each other about the Apollo rocks, they must be “working for NASA”.
Do you have any evidence that these results “can only be proclaimed by those working for NASA”?
I look for the "actions", and holes in the story, and the unlikeliness of certain events, or in some cases, seeming impossibilities.
In your opinion, is there anything “unlikely” or “impossible” about scientists working independently from each other reaching identical conclusions about the Apollo rocks? If so, what is the logic hole?
I also Follow the Money - and do not trust "political/world narratives" -- I think to a large degree they are manufactured, and "turned into reality" via media/propaganda -- telling everyone how to think... and they do. Making it look easy, IMO.
Apart from saying that you “think to a large degree they are manufactured”, do you have any evidence?
EDIT#2 - if you have specific things he said in mind that you want to highlight -- please do. I'd be happy to discuss various points -- I am not suggesting he's "just outright lying about everything" - I do not believe this. I simply believe that he's apply a subject-pro-nasa filter to his views, where this pertains.
This is why I shifted this part of your post to the top – to address this request. No, I’m not going to highlight anything. I want you to read the whole article. I want you to learn what sort of person Taylor was (to show how inaccurate your character assessment is). And I want you to find the answer to the question I’ve asked a couple of times about the significant finding scientists made about the lack of a particular group of metals in the Apollo rocks.
But I’d also like you to stop trying to do the speed-run version of learning. Do all the reading and learning yourself, and use it to present evidence. Your current flurry of evidence-free claims is getting tiresome.
#1: In the meantime, I'll assume from other comments you've made that non-USAnian scientists can study the Apollo rocks, or rather, "study" them, as long as they write scientific papers which align with the mainstream view. Would that be an accurate characterization of your view?
It's a general notion currently. I also don't think things are clear cut. I don't think they sat anyone down and specifically told them what their findings needed to be. When I looked for "who did the research", I didn't see any good proof of much being done outside of Johnson Space Center ... so if you have some links, I'll mark them and read them. And learn more. And then have a better assessment.
I’ve shown you how to find the information about the hundreds of scientific articles written about the Apollo rocks, and you’ve had time to check them out. Do you accept that your statement that you “didn't see any good proof of much being done outside of Johnson Space Center” is incorrect?
#2: The existence of the ideological conflict is undeniable, as it was argued out by people in many countries across the world, ...
Thing is - the media (driven by govt at times?) - drives the narrative, which people latch onto, then it becomes REAL - at the ground level. People are told this/that with fear motives - and poof, they start believing it. So sure, it all seemed real to the masses of people - but was it based upon truth?
For example, close to half of Americans believe the 2020 election was rigged; and half don't. Depending upon who you ask - you'll get a different story.
As you say, the masses believed the Cold War and the ideology behind it was real, and the political divide that created in many countries therefore makes it real. Real people voted in real politicians espousing a range of political views into parliaments and congresses across the world. The idea that these politicians were somehow faking their political views doesn’t pass any sort of sniff test.
And the militaries on both sides also believed it was real: you’re apparently too young to know about the nuclear bomb-carrying B-52 bombers which constantly existed in a state of high alert; the cat-and-mouse duels between nuclear submarines; that Che Guevara was a real guerilla fighter and not just a two-tone image on T-shirts; the occasional gun battles between North Korean troops and South Korean and USAnian troops; the Soviet spy trawlers hanging by NATO naval wargames; the East German soldiers who literally shot to kill people attempting to cross the Inter-German border from East to West; the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The idea that these activities could be undertaken by people who knew it was all fake again doesn’t pass the sniff test. To use a current example, it would be like saying that the Syrian Civil War of the last decade was fake.
And who gave the orders to the militaries during the Cold War? The political elites of the USA and USSR. Do you think they were playing make-believe? Sure, the Soviet leadership lived lives of luxury which had little to do with Marxism-Leninism or the shortages ordinary Soviet citizens lived with. And sure, the US leadership got the USA involved in South Vietnam on shaky grounds. But that doesn’t make thousands of dead soldiers from each country fake.
Or do you still hold the view that the Cold War was fake?
In 1969 - it was easier for gov't to control the narrative. Walter Cronkite was generally regarded as fully honest- if he said it, people trusted it. Just as half of Americans in 2020 were 100% fooled into believing a lie, and to them, their beliefs were "real" -- the same dynamic was active in 1969 - except back then, it was easier to have a more singular unified narrative... such as with Communism (told to fear it - and so we did) ... and Apollo.
You’re making the mistake of assuming the intended audience for Apollo was just the USAnian public. It wasn’t. The audience was literally the world. And the world sent its own journalists to cover Apollo, journalists with their own agendas. And despite that, they were all welcomed by NASA to stick their noses into all the nooks and crannies they wanted to. Why else do you think the crew of Apollo 11 were allowed to speak un-mediated to an auditorium full of the world’s media after the mission? Do you have any evidence to dispute this?
#3: Now, in your post-Christian life, you instead believe in the all-powerful "unelected unknowns". You took God on faith. How is "speculating on a narrative" any different from faith?
All-Powerful is an absolute. I rarely think in absolutes. I think the "elected unknowns" have power, and that it's out of the public view, and something rarely acknowledged.
And? You’re dodging the question. Throughout this discussion, every time you’re cornered by evidence you just handwave into existence some new ability of The Powers That Be in order to allow your version of reality to continue to exist:
- NASA can’t make Apollo work (you’ve never explained how and you’ve never provided evidence of this inability), so you conjure up NASAX that can just magically make a seamless hoax work;
- the USSR would leap at any opportunity to humiliate the USA for faking Apollo, so the entire Cold War is stage-managed by “Them”;
- the world’s science community would be genuinely seeking to uncover secrets of the Moon by studying rocks (to test those hypotheses about the Moon’s formation), so according to you the USA achieves scientific consensus by paying them off to stick to some arbitrary party line;
- an engineer working at the Honeysuckle Creek tracking station says the staff would know whether they were receiving fake or genuine signals, so you just claim he’s being paid to lie.
None of these claims have any evidence from you to back them up. Therefore, given this lack of evidence, do you acknowledge your Apollo hoax hypothesis is based on faith?
#4: Or are you going to now say the entire US government consists of people who don't realize they're being controlled by these "unelected unknowns"?
One set of "unelected unknowns" are Lobbyists - controlling govt' via legal bribery called "Campaign donations". In 1969, who knows what type of money kickbacks were set up, with the profitable NASA contracts.
So your only evidence is “who knows”? Do you agree that means you have no evidence?
I think Webb's hand was twisted into making Apollo 8 "go around the moon" - He resigned a month later, and didn't attend anymore launches... total loss of interest, it seems.
How many launches did Webb attend prior to his resignation? (The answer is in that oral history interview linked earlier in this thread.)
So those "making decisions" have strings being pulled on them that they do not talk about or admit.
Are those lobbyists somehow also stage managing the Cold War?
#5: So please explain, exactly what power does the US government have? How many decisions they make are their own, and how many are made by the "unelected unknowns"?
I believe JFK assassination was a conspiracy of an institution. This institution was never found out... dropped. Papers STILL sealed. I think JFK was being eliminated ... possibly for one or more reasons... as he opposed some powerful (unelected) institutions -- Fed Bank, CIA, DIA, Vietnam War Machine... and instead of feigning the Red Scare/Cold War -- in 1963 he asked the Russian to partner with them on the Moon Landing!... oops, this breaks the charade of a "nasty scary Cold War". Who benefitted from the Cold War?? Contractors... Military, etc. Follow the money...
Yes, Kennedy approached the Soviets about a partnership to land on the Moon. Do you know who rejected this plan, and why?
#6: We've already explained to you that the differences between lunar meteorites and Apollo rocks are so obvious that even non-scientists could tell them apart.
Here's a counter reference, where a champion Geologist Apollogist, contradicts your claims:
quote: Lunar mare basalts, as well as basaltic meteorites from Mars, bear a strong resemblance to basalts from Earth. In the absence of a fusion crust, there is little about a lunar mare basalt that would provoke much interest in a geologist who was handed the rock by someone asking, “What is this?”
You’ve completely misrepresented the point the author made. The author was pointing out that lunar basalts are similar to Earth basalts. I’m talking about the difference between Apollo rocks and lunar meteorites. The irony is that your quote contains a significant pair of words: “fusion crust”. Go back and read the whole article again, along with the related article about lunar meteorites which is linked within your article, then explain to us how NASA could pretend that lunar meteorites were Moon rocks.
#7: Yes, the rocks were cataloged by NASA, because they hold them.
And my concern is - if these are rocks from Antarctica - their manner of study and qualifications can be such that it produces results that show "these are from the moon". Without motivated skeptics, paid to be skeptics, rewarded for being skeptics -- I do find the "results" suspect, in an industry where all people paid to do this stuff - are funded by the govt.... not the commercial world.
“If these rocks are from Antarctica” they will have very obvious signs of having sat in an Earth environment, regardless that they’re from the Moon. Read the article you linked above (‘How do we know that it’s a rock from the Moon’) – it explains this. Having read it, do you want to withdraw your claim that results could be faked to “show these are from the moon”?
Similar to "Polls" - the manner in which questions are asked (or to whom they are asked) - can produce an erroneous result - often intended to favor one side to begin with. The same concept can apply to "moon rock studies" --- so I take results with a grain of salt.
Wrong. It can’t apply to “moon rock studies” because of the inter-connected nature of the evidence, as pointed out in the article you linked, and the lunar meteorites article linked within it. You’re missing this because you keep picking one sentence out of context and ignoring the other 5000 words in the article. That’s pretty egregious cherry-picking.
The recent HUGE difference in composition/size of Chinese regolith vs. Apollo -- is more fuel to support MLH.
No, I’ve already provided the evidence which explains why the Chinese regolith isn’t the smoking gun you claim it to be. Having read that article, do you want to withdraw your claim that the difference in results is “more fuel to support MLH”?
#8: "2012 - particle size by weight to be 1/8th of what they were in 1970's"
I've already explained your faulty logic here.
Explain it again please. This is a DRASTIC change. If they are reducing to 1/8th size -- this is DRASTIC -- but they didn't notice? Their excuse was "water degradation?" -- in which case there would be OTHER changes -- not JUST SIZE. This explanation has no names attached to it -- no real explanation.
You really have a problem with remembering evidence which contradicts your hypothesis.
First, there are two data points, so you don’t know the shape of the curve between them. This provides no information about when the size change happened, or whether the size change was sudden or gradual.
Second, they didn’t notice the size change before the second test because no one conducted a similar test between those two tests.
Do you want to challenge either of these points?
I'd like to see some skeptic geologists paid to find out "what's wrong with this picture"... but this isn't how this industry works. People serve those who pay them. And if they don't, they get fired and discredited...
Then how did the results of the second test get released if they’re such a challenge for NASA? You can’t have it both ways.
#9: "Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes". In other words, it's an agreement, not an alliance. Prove me wrong.
"Cooperation" is a form of Alliance.
No it isn’t. You’re just stretching the meaning of the word to suit your agenda. Ukraine and Russia are co-operating to swap prisoners, but they’re still at war.
Agreed to hold hands and cooperate. Within a few years, our astronauts were hugging it out in orbit! This was a refreshing "win".
It’s been pointed out to you that the level of animosity between the USA and USSR varied over the course of the Cold War. Nixon’s presidency was a period of generally decreasing animosity. I’d tell you to go and read a book on the Cold War, but you’ve already poisoned that well by claiming (once again without evidence) that historians don’t know what they’re doing.
#10: Well, no. As I've explained elsewhere, this exact type of test appears to have been conducted twice - once in 1969 and once in 2012. Conducting a test twice gives us two data points, and two data points don't tell us anything about the shape of the curve between them. Prove me wrong.
See above. You won't get "unbothered breakdown of particle size from atmospheric problems" (as though they couldn't keep it in a vacuum) THIS dramatic without other changes ALSO happening... all of which would have been noticed. Big hole in their story, IMO.
I said “Prove me wrong”. You provided no proof, just an assertion. Try again.
If it were just a smaller change -- sure. But not when each particle is essentially being divided into 8 parts! THIS IS HUGE -- a bigger deal and investigation should be made from this... but NASA wouldn't fund that. So it'll never get done. It costs money to do this stuff - and there is no money in Atheism.
Still no evidence. Keep trying.
As I write this all out, the one thing that stands out to me is the number of times you’ve failed to provide evidence to back your claims. Do seriously expect to convince people that you have a viable hoax hypothesis when (a) you can’t even explain why the hoax was necessary in the first place, and (b) for your hypothesis to work it relies on so many suppositions for which you have no evidence.