Author Topic: What becomes of old 'friends'..  (Read 588633 times)

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1110 on: February 16, 2018, 06:16:11 AM »
Some of you may remember the exchanges at Plant Infowars with awe130 and bewaremouse some time ago.

Well, it seems bewaremouse has sobered up long enough to remember how his computer works and he really shouldn't have. My attention was drawn to this and it's too good to keep quiet:

which is deeply embarrassing for Mr Mouse, not least because of his frankly slanderous claims that he got me fired from my job.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

His drunken ramblings are just jaw droppingly stupid. Have your blood pressure meds handy.

I'm surprised you haven't corrected him.. :D I thought he'd given up the ghost.

It was tempting, but frankly i just can't be arsed. If you watch the video you can see he has been corrected on my behalf, which is causing him a world of confusion :D

I love the bit later on when he gets a phone call.."I'm on the air..." :D

Offline Bryanpoprobson

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1111 on: February 16, 2018, 06:47:23 AM »
Wow, The astronauts have come forward and admitted the missions were faked, must have blinked and missed that admission.

There was no water in the Apollo manifest?

Apollo 13, the call to stir the cryotanks referred to the batteries and fuel cells??  ;D

90% of moon rocks are unaccounted for??  ;D

Where did he dig up this drivel? I might have missed some as I skipped through the video..
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 06:49:37 AM by Bryanpoprobson »
"Wise men speak because they have something to say!" "Fools speak, because they have to say something!" (Plato)

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1112 on: February 16, 2018, 07:54:44 AM »
Apollo 13, the call to stir the cryotanks referred to the batteries and fuel cells??  ;D.

Yeah it's deeply suspicious that they call them a cryotank to store liquid oxygen and hydrogen when you can take them both up as water and get your energy straight from that. Obviously you'd need another rocket to carry the power supply to crack the water molecules to liberate the energy, but that's a minor detail...

Offline Northern Lurker

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1113 on: February 16, 2018, 05:21:27 PM »
I could only watch for a minute or two. One thing got my attention was when he said "We beat them in Youtube and then in Infowars". Youtube and Infowars are the only places where HBs can delete comments and block their critcs...


Offline DD Brock

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1114 on: February 17, 2018, 12:46:58 AM »
Sorry, it was my fault he got wound up, lolz.
I'm temporarily working the swing shift and not sleeping much, so I was goofing around and looked up old AwE's new channel for the giggles. Beware Louse posted "hay brother" on one of Adrian's videos, and I just couldn't resist riling him up about it. He hates it when you correct his spelling, and I am not a good person, lol.

Like I was telling onebigmonkey, I had no idea he'd get THAT worked up. He told me he was going to devastate me just like he had gotten OBM fired. Dude is a serious piece of work. I guess he challenged me to a debate on his live stream, but I didn't see it. I wouldn't have anyhow. My dogs wanting me to throw the ball for them was more important. By a long ways.

Offline Bryanpoprobson

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1115 on: February 17, 2018, 05:47:13 AM »
Sorry, it was my fault he got wound up, lolz.
I'm temporarily working the swing shift and not sleeping much, so I was goofing around and looked up old AwE's new channel for the giggles. Beware Louse posted "hay brother" on one of Adrian's videos, and I just couldn't resist riling him up about it. He hates it when you correct his spelling, and I am not a good person, lol.

Like I was telling onebigmonkey, I had no idea he'd get THAT worked up. He told me he was going to devastate me just like he had gotten OBM fired. Dude is a serious piece of work. I guess he challenged me to a debate on his live stream, but I didn't see it. I wouldn't have anyhow. My dogs wanting me to throw the ball for them was more important. By a long ways.

So it’s all your fault.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say!" "Fools speak, because they have to say something!" (Plato)

Offline Bryanpoprobson

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1116 on: February 17, 2018, 06:14:17 AM »
I’ve just remembered the full idiocy of this chump. He is the one who claimed that the powers that be (MIB or someone) closed him down on infowars, deleting all his posts in the process. Then saying on WooTube that he did it himself, then lying still further saying a member of his team did it without his knowledge. Shame all the original comments on his videos around those events have been erased, it was so funny watching him squirm.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say!" "Fools speak, because they have to say something!" (Plato)

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1117 on: February 17, 2018, 08:53:59 AM »
He hotlinked images from my site and tried to use them in his articles on infowars. I don't like that (my site now prevents it), so I changed the images in the links to one of a truck stop. It just so happened that the truck stop was the same one that featured in one of his own youtube videos (the house details were clearly visible in the video, wasn't hard to track it down) where he describes what his business plans are for the place and how he's doing it up.

He then got very defensive and claimed this was a direct threat to him. It was no such thing. In this latest rambling drunken waffle he now claims it wasn't his house but that it belongs to a 'friend'.

He's welcome to his own sewer. I know he's lying, and so does he.

Offline DD Brock

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1118 on: February 17, 2018, 01:28:14 PM »
I was trying to remember why he changed his handle to DefusingTheAgenda, I forgot all about that. Yeah, they won alright, lol!

Offline Obviousman

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1119 on: February 17, 2018, 06:32:02 PM »
hey DD - sorry about this misunderstanding. I didn't recognise your screen name and took the comment the wrong way. Once I saw what you were posting, I knew you were one of the 'good guys', had misinterpreted your post and removed by own reply.

Much apologies!


Offline DD Brock

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1120 on: February 17, 2018, 08:47:29 PM »
No sweat, I understand. Those guys can make you a little quick on the draw, for sure.

I probably shouldn't be using the Cornelius Crewe handle, I honestly only set it up as an alternate account because I had enough of Taffy spouting off about running Apollo defenders off when I know full well how he accomplishes that, seeing as how he blocked and removed posts from my DD Brock account.

In the meantime, however, Dolores O'riordan of the Cranberries had passed away, and for some reason that really affected me. I'm not the type to mourn celebrities, but her death hit me like a ton of bricks. I ended up using the Cornelius Crewe account to post on a LOT of Cranberries related videos, and I've kinda stuck with it. Cornelius Crewe is an old handle I used to sign artwork with, and it felt good to be using it again.

Sorry for the long winded posts.

On topic, beware Louse has another fuel cell rant up. Apparently NASA and the gubmint have been lying since the 1850's about fuel cells because the truth is you can use simple water in them with a little metal and electricity to produce hydrogen and oxygen. At least I think that's what his latest drunken rant was about. Oh, and apparently we've been beaten again.

Only open if you can bear incurable idiocy.

Offline Bryanpoprobson

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1121 on: February 19, 2018, 04:56:53 PM »
I did some maths for him regarding the volume of water in relation to carrying component O2 and H in cryogenic storage, but now I can’t find my original comment or my references.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say!" "Fools speak, because they have to say something!" (Plato)

Offline bknight

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1122 on: February 19, 2018, 05:02:53 PM »
Since this video is posted by the willfully ignorant ratface, I didn't listen to it as I'm sure he butchered A13 just like he has butchered almost, if not all, that he ahs posted concerning Apollo.
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Offline Mag40

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1123 on: July 18, 2018, 08:22:02 PM »
I see Cosmored/Rocky/Fatfreddy88/Scott has resurfaced as a sockpuppet on Cosmoquest. His handle is Craig2.

Offline Nowhere Man

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Re: What becomes of old 'friends'..
« Reply #1124 on: July 19, 2018, 06:55:53 AM »
Didn't last long, though.  He's been banned already.

Hey, you!  "It's" with an apostrophe means "it is" or "it has."  "Its" without an apostrophe means "belongs to it."

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