Author Topic: Jay and Brian O'Leary  (Read 27469 times)

Offline wadefrazier

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Jay and Brian O'Leary
« on: April 07, 2012, 12:18:25 PM »

Jay has been waiting for me to publish this for months, and here it is. 

After months of unsuccessful attempts to obtain permission from Brian’s family to publish an essay on Brian O’Leary that included some specifics on what Brian believed was an attempt on his life, I decided to remove the identifying information (I would never name the perpetrators, but I was giving specifics that people could check out for themselves) and publish the essay:

I have not linked to it from my home page yet, but I consider the essay published with a post made in another forum:
I intended to disclose that alleged murder attempt to help sober up those who are thinking of playing the game that I play.  It is a rough road, and if I ever took my show on the road, I would be risking my life, in several ways.  I have no desire to field death threats and murder attempts, and it comes with that territory.  I will say that the alleged murder attempt that Brian survived was related to public events that he helped organize and participate in. 

I included the moon hoax issue, and what I know about Brian and Jay, and I hope it puts the matter to rest. 

I still have some more legacy work to do regarding Brian, and we will see how it goes. 



Offline ka9q

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2012, 08:33:22 AM »
Death threats have a way of making one feel important and dangerous to the status quo, no?

Offline twik

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2012, 12:42:24 PM »
I'm sorry, could you make that post any more unclear?

If you believe you know the "perpetrators" of whatever crime you're talking about, have you contacted the police?

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2012, 05:41:10 PM »
Yes, reporting a suspected crime to the police does carry the serious disadvantage of having to provide them with actual evidence.

And there's the added disadvantage of being subject to a charge of filing a false police report -- or even perjury -- if the information you provide happens to be made up.

Offline wadefrazier

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2012, 06:48:18 PM »
For those unfamiliar with the history, Brian O’Leary was an astronaut who was selected to go to Mars, because Werner von Braun wanted some talent in the stable for his really big rocket dreams:

Brian the astronomer was not a natural pilot, and the Mars dreams got scrapped to pay for invading Vietnam:

so he bailed out into academia.  He had some paranormal experiences that wrecked him as an establishment cog, and he eventually left the orthodox fold:

His paths and mine crossed when he investigated what is commonly called “free energy.”

Brian also played around in many puddles, from visiting talented psychics, to crop circles, UFOs, free energy and fringe science laboratories and many other areas beyond the pale of establishment science.  During his UFO phase, the USA’s military tried to recruit him into a UFO project (obviously way above top secret classification), and Brian nearly died immediately after refusing their offer.

Brian publicly alluded numerous times to run-ins with that cloak-and-dagger crowd on his journey, but would not give specifics for reasons of self-preservation.  Those “run to the police” comments posted on this thread just about made me laugh out loud.  Near the end of his life, he became a little more forthcoming about that scene, and wrote about that stuff in the prologue to his last book:

What Brian’s friend “Ted” survived is very close to what Brian experienced.  In the last year of his life, Brian did an interview where he went into a fair amount of detail about the offer from the military and what happened immediately after he turned down the “offer,” but he had second thoughts and had the interviewer hold back that portion of the interview. 

The point of all that, at least with this crowd, is that Brian was not just playing “free thinker” with his doubts about the moon landings.  Sure, his buddy Buzz was kind of close-lipped about his lunar experiences, but Brian’s doubts were probably more fueled by all the other stuff he was aware of regarding space and aliens.  I did the dive and, with Jay’s kind help, got over the hump on the moon landings:

and although Brian was duly impressed with Armstrong’s Leap, I was never able to get him over the hump:

and frankly, Brian had bigger fish to fry than the moon landings, even though that issue was a thorn in his side until he died. 

Because of his stature, many people tried to enlist him in their cause, whether it was Sai Baba, the Face on Mars, the moon landings, etc.  And on the moon landings issue, this crowd may be willing to help.  Brian was never in the “we certainly landed on the moon” or the “we never landed on the moon” camps, although both camps tried to recruit him. When I wrote his Wikipedia bio, the moon landings issue was already prominent, I told Brian that we could not fight it, that it would always be there, but that we could give it the emphasis it deserved. 

I originally buried the original text in his bio’s frontiers of science section (which has been rather inaccurately renamed, and I plan to rectify that during my upcoming edit battles at Wikipedia), but several factions seem to want to keep Brian’s participation alive on the issue, even though he specifically bowed out in his life’s last year.  He wrote his “last word” when the Wikipedia “editors” kept emphasizing the moon landings issue.  They gave it its own section:

and even erased my link to Jay’s page on Brian:

When I tried to link to Brian’s last word on my site (while asking for forbearance until I could get it hosted someplace “reputable” enough so that the “editors” could not erase it again):

they nuked it (somebody joined Wikipedia, anonymously of course, the coward, just to erase it). 

What I have found with debunkers is that they nearly invariably defend the establishment.  Sometimes it is worth defending, but not often.  Attacking or defending the establishment is not necessarily a pursuit of the truth.  The moon hoax believer crowd is trying to keep Brian’s participation in the moon hoax controversy alive, and it is not only a disservice to his memory to do that; it is also a disservice to the moon landings issue.  If nothing else, I would think that the moon hoax debunker crowd would want to help set the record straight, at least in the interest of the truth, although Brian’s “last word” may not be satisfying for them.  It was not satisfying to me, either, but it was how he saw things. 

I have a line to the astronauts because of my work on Brian’s astronaut biography:

but I don’t want to play that card unless I have to, and have some other avenues to try before it comes to that.  For now, I am just looking for a “reputable” source that can host Brian’s last word, so that those trying to keep his “participation” in the issue alive will have a harder time playing that dishonest game at Wikipedia. 

If anybody can help in this area, the assistance would be appreciated.  :)


« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 07:02:02 PM by wadefrazier »

Offline Laurel

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2012, 07:11:35 PM »
Brian told me about it in 2001, and everybody who knew him well heard about the string of incidents, and there other similar events, too, but I don’t have the details for them.  Brian publicly alluded to the events numerous times but would not discuss them in detail, for reasons of self-preservation.  Brian does not have to worry about retribution anymore, but I also removed nearly all of the identifying information so that Brian’s family does not feel threatened by the disclosure.
If this is all the detail you're willing to provide, you can't blame people for being skeptical.
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2012, 09:11:47 PM »
Brian also played around in many puddles, from visiting talented psychics, to crop circles, UFOs, free energy and fringe science laboratories and many other areas beyond the pale of establishment science.

Psychics and crop circles are squarely within the purview of science.  And to date, nothing has been shown to that would indicate anything beyond the oldest and most ordinary of causes, frauds and pranksters.
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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2012, 09:16:40 PM »
Let's try to keep this thread on the topic of Brian O'Leary's stance on the Apollo hoax theory. If you'd like to discuss any of his (or Wade Frazier's) other theories please start a thread in the Beyond Belief section. Thanks.
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Offline twik

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2012, 08:15:10 AM »
Brian publicly alluded numerous times to run-ins with that cloak-and-dagger crowd on his journey, but would not give specifics for reasons of self-preservation.

I can see no reason of "self-preservation" that would force someone to say "People are trying to kill me, but I can't say anything specific about it."

I can see a reason for someone who is credulous and likes making life just a little more exciting than it really is to make such statements.

Offline ka9q

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 12:06:37 AM »
Brian O'Leary is dead. If the topic is his position on the supposed Apollo moon hoax, then I am completely unwilling to consider any sources but his own personal, witnessed and/or otherwise authenticated direct statements on the issue. I would accept video and/or audio recordings of his talks and interviews, assuming those who knew him (I did not) agree that he is indeed the person in the recording. I would also include written statements and manuscripts that are generally agreed to be authentic. This could include personal email archives with a reasonable chain of evidence and no indications of tampering.

But I will not accept any hearsay claims about what Brian might have said to someone else in private and off the record, or claims about how Brian would have answered a certain hypothetical question or acted in a certain hypothetical situation. I don't care if the person making the claim was Brian's closest, bestest lifelong blood brother, and they knew each other so well that they reguarly completed each others' sentences.

All this comes from the fairly basic observation that Brian himself is no longer in a position to confirm, deny or clarify any words that anyone else might now place in his mouth.

All this should seem pretty obvious, right?

« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 12:08:59 AM by ka9q »

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 01:01:18 PM »
Indeed hearsay is less desirable.  However you should keep in mind that O'Leary and I purposefully copied Wade on our correspondence so that there would be a third party witness to what we discussed.  It was our mutual desire that Wade be able to act in this capacity.
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Offline Captain Swoop

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2012, 04:12:05 PM »
Is there an implication he turned down some offer from the Army and they tried to kill him then, having failed they just gave up?

Offline wadefrazier

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2012, 02:34:54 PM »

I am looking for help on posting Brian's last word on the moon landings issue.  It was indeed his last word.  It seems that everybody wants to pursue ancillary matters (and rather irrationally and naively, as if they never heard of Black Ops, something that I am unfortunately somewhat familiar with), and nobody here has offered to help.  That is too bad.  The moon hoax theorists try to keep Brian's "participation" in the issue alive, and in the interest of truth, it would be nice to have his last words stand as his last words.  Is this forum comprised of truth-seekers or establishment defenders?  It looks like I will be contacting the astronauts, to see if NASA has any interest in publishing it or getting it published.  I would think that they would have a motivation to do so, but I am going to find out. 

Hi Jay:

Actually, I was never privy to your exchanges with Brian.  I introduced you two, you had some exchanges that you posted soon to your site, and they jibed with how Brian seemed to see the issue at the time, but I was never in the loop on your exchanges with Brian.  I have no doubt that you two interacted, and there was a time when Brian was more on the establishment side of the fence on the moon landings.  However, he soon continued to write on the issue not long afterward, and his stance on the issues that was less than on-board with the moon landings happened as advertised, but certainly not in the moon hoaxer camp, either.  I was a bit disappointed that I could never get him over the hump, but I accepted his stance and am put in the position of trying to get his last word on the subject published in a place where the moon hoax crowd cannot keep making him seem to be one of them. 

I am afraid that I cannot positively verify the substance of your exchanges, but I don’t doubt that what you published was close to how Brian saw things, but Brian wrote his last word partly in response to seeing your page on your exchanges with him, for what it is worth. 


« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 02:53:51 PM by wadefrazier »

Offline sts60

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2012, 04:45:47 PM »

I am looking for help on posting Brian's last word on the moon landings issue.  It was indeed his last word. ...
Hello Wade,

I don't think I've participated in these threads, but if you have "Brian's last word", why don't you just post it?

I'm not personally interested, as my personal experience with Apollo engineers and Apollo-era astronauts renders O'Leary's position irrelevant.  I just don't understand the big windup, if you have the "last word".  If you don't have it, then there's no basis for claiming it's the "last word", is there?

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Re: Jay and Brian O'Leary
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2012, 06:39:09 PM »
I must agree, I can't see the difficulty. Just post it. What do you need anyone else's help with?