Author Topic: Anyone fancy £10k?  (Read 8088 times)

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: Anyone fancy £10k?
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2022, 04:55:11 AM »
The original post disappeared eventually (the admins said, when queried about whole posts going, that they didn't like things that made them look stupid).

Fear not though, he's back!

This time he's stating that a photo 'NASA claims' was taken at 4:06pm EDT was actually taken at 8:06pm EDT. He's right about the actual time, but I've no idea where he gets the original one he claims NASA says. He also claims it was taken after LM separation and just before landing (neither is true). No money on offer yet though.

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Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: Anyone fancy £10k?
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2022, 06:06:26 AM »
He also claims it was taken by Collins, but all the evidence points to it being either Aldrin or Armstrong as they were checking out cameras in the LM before separation.

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: Anyone fancy £10k?
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2022, 04:30:12 AM »
Yikes! The young upstart is defying the blunder's authorities!

up load pictures

If only there was some way of confirming the date an image of Earth was taken. If only....