Apollo Discussions > The Hoax Theory
Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
How do Apollogists (may I please use this term?) reconcile the footage of Apollo 12's Lunar Rendezvous where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.
Here's the best footage I could find, but it's not a NASA source:
I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the NASA site.
I haven't verified the details yet, but have heard that they used to have this video on their site, but scrubbed it (removed it) after some MLH guys pointed it out.
Paolo Attivissimo's debunking site doesn't even mention this instance.
Miss Vocalcord:
That is the S Band Steerable Antenna
--- Quote from: najak on November 28, 2024, 05:55:24 AM ---where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.
--- End quote ---
Classic conspiracist mindset at work. "I don't know anything about what I am looking at, but instead of doing a jot of research I will automatically jump to mystery and conspiracy". What an entirely tiring lens to view the world through.
IIRC correctly, at the same time, the LM crew pull the breakers for the S-band, essentially turning it off. In addition, it's possible for mechanical devices to have a 'neutral' position that they occupy/return to when unpowered (essentially spring based, and when powered motors work against the spring), where they don't move much from, I would imagine for safety purposes in general (Clarke even used this as a plot device in 2001). If it was "hanging loose" and moves due to gravity, then how is the LM suspended? At the same time, you'll notice that the signal goes to pot, when the S-band on the LM is no longer being used, so the signal is routed through the CSM. And, for a final thought, once the S-band comes to rest, it doesn't move again, despite the LM continuing to change orientation.
--- Quote from: najak on November 28, 2024, 05:55:24 AM ---How do Apollogists (may I please use this term?) reconcile the footage of Apollo 12's Lunar Rendezvous where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.
Here's the best footage I could find, but it's not a NASA source:
I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the NASA site.
I haven't verified the details yet, but have heard that they used to have this video on their site, but scrubbed it (removed it) after some MLH guys pointed it out.
Paolo Attivissimo's debunking site doesn't even mention this instance.
--- End quote ---
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