#1: Released tension, subsequent inertia and Newton's 3rd law. My use of the words "pendulum effect" are not saying this is a pendulum!
#2: Nope and you ignored how NASA must have been morons to do this.
#3: I said if they can be bothered.
#1: Each of the 6 changes in direction are lesser magnitude -- so the big dirty question is "what causes them to change direction at decreasing amplitudes??" - only the presence of Gravity supplies the needed answer. In no gravity -- if they haven't reached the "further rotational extent... then there is nothing to bounce off of!"... If you watch these rotations in slow motion (which I have), you'll see it moving "like a pendulum with gravity"... it slows down at the end of each move, before changing direction ... very parabolic.
This is a slam dunk win for MLH.
Now I see why the Debunking sites pretend this issue doesn't exist (and omit it from debunking). And why NASA site no longer shows (hasn't for years).
#2: NASAX, not NASA. NASAX has a lot more military men, pragmatic - and guess what, "they were right" -- even with all of these subtle (but provable/damning) mistakes -- EVERYONE BOUGHT IT. They didn't need to waste their time fixing it all.
Antenna breaks?? "have Bean simply say, My Antenna is OK" and move on like nothing is wrong. IT WORKED. They weren't morons. They're all dead now -- and STILL most of the world still swallows the Apollo lie.
Verdict: NASAX knows their audience. NASAX succeeded. So, not morons.
#3: Please "bother them" - it's a quick answer -- "how did Apollo 11 communicate with Houston" for the first few minutes, and why didn't they have their S-Band dish set to "Track earth" - as did Apollo 12 (until it snapped).