Author Topic: NASA photographic record of Manned Moonlanding:Is there evidence of fabrication?  (Read 331964 times)

Offline DD Brock

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Why do Hoax Believers insist on calling the Lunar Module a "LEM"?

That one drives me crazy! Nitpicking, I know,  would it kill them to at least learn the correct term? They certainly demand perfection from Apollo defenders...

Offline DD Brock

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Not only that, it was changed to LM before it ever even flew into space. LEM was only used by NASA prior to around 1967 when Apollo was still in development (LM's first flight was on Apollo 5 in January 1968).

What I have read is that NASA's Public Affairs Office thought that "Excursion" sounded like the astronauts were going to the moon on a jolly jaunt, so they shortened the name to "Lunar Module" (LM),

The Apollo 9 crew nicknamed their LM "Spider", a name which was used as the title for an episode of "From Earth to the Moon". "Spider" was one of my favorites in that series.... must be the closet aerospace engineer in me coming out!

Spider and the Apollo 8 episode (I'm forgetting the title at the moment) are the two I watch the most.

Offline Abaddon

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Why do Hoax Believers insist on calling the Lunar Module a "LEM"?

That one drives me crazy! Nitpicking, I know,  would it kill them to at least learn the correct term? They certainly demand perfection from Apollo defenders...
You should be grateful for it. Use of the term "LEM" immediately identifies the poster as a copy pasta artist, regurgitating whatever they found on some crackpot site. It isn't a mistake, it's a lable.

Offline smartcooky

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Spider and the Apollo 8 episode (I'm forgetting the title at the moment) are the two I watch the most.

If you're not a scientist but you think you've destroyed the foundation of a vast scientific edifice with 10 minutes of Googling, you might want to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

Offline DD Brock

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You probably aren't wrong. The use of LEM is almost invariably by a hoax believer. Anyone I've ever seen with any knowledge use LM,   Lunar Module, or maybe even lem. 

Full disclosure, I am by no means a scientist, engineer, or any other kind of credentialed authority. Just an average blue-collar Joe who reads everything I can get my hands on about the history of spaceflight ( among many other historical subjects).

Sometimes even the works of hoax believers, if only out of curiosity.

Smartcooky, thank you. I should have remembered that, considering the events of 1968 were the focus of the episode. Brain fart, lol!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 05:55:45 PM by DD Brock »

Offline Abaddon

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You probably aren't wrong. The use of LEM is almost invariably by a hoax believer. Anyone I've ever seen with any knowledge use LM,   Lunar Module, or maybe even lem. 

Full disclosure, I am by no means a scientist, engineer, or any other kind of credentialed authority. Just an average blue-collar Joe who reads everything I can get my hands on about the history of spaceflight ( among many other historical subjects).
I happen to be a credentialed engineer, but so what? All you reveal here is that you are capable of rational thought and critical thinking. Scientists and engineers have no hegemony on that process. It is to your credit that you can read and understand the material. As a professional graduate engineer, I can claim to spot the BS quicker than you, perhaps, but that does not mean I am any better or worse that you. In fact, I quite love the fact that you want to learn new things and have the ability to absorb and understand new data. There is a CT mindset out there that the entire scientific and engineering community is somehow in cahoots to conceal the real science from you "knowlessmen". Nothing could be further from the truth of course.

Sometimes even the works of hoax believers, if only out of curiosity.
Curiousity was what got me interested. Many years ago, I had a tradesman fitting wardrobes in my home who, it turned out was a hoaxie. That prompted me to start researching. I couldn't fathom that there were real people who subscribed to such nonsense. Turns out there are.

Smartcooky, thank you. I should have remembered that, considering the events of 1968 were the focus of the episode. Brain fart, lol!
Well, there's a thing.Smartcooky is a genuinely nice guy. So is Jay, ka9q, LO, dwight, bob. b, gillianren, bryanpop, our resident vampire, nomuse, frenat, Luke, Apollognomon, ineluki, echnaton, rob<somedurn number>, sus, sts, obm, RAF, Capt. Swoop (apologies to any I missed) good grief the list is endless. But I would be hard pressed to make a similar list of hoaxies.  The simple fact is that there will be a subject matter expert right here, on whatever topic a hoaxie raises. They don't like that much.

Offline Chief

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I happen to be a credentialed engineer, but so what? All you reveal here is that you are capable of rational thought and critical thinking. Scientists and engineers have no hegemony on that process. It is to your credit that you can read and understand the material. As a professional graduate engineer, I can claim to spot the BS quicker than you, perhaps, but that does not mean I am any better or worse that you. In fact, I quite love the fact that you want to learn new things and have the ability to absorb and understand new data. There is a CT mindset out there that the entire scientific and engineering community is somehow in cahoots to conceal the real science from you "knowlessmen". Nothing could be further from the truth of course.


Unfortunately not all professional engineers disbelieve the hoax theories. My brother's father-in-law is a retired Engineer but is so anti-Semitic that he is blinded by his hatred and blames the Jews for everything. He believes the Jewish Lobby in the US controls everything. Everything from the 'faked' Apollo missions to the Charlie Hebdo attack was orchestrated by the Jews. I haven't heard him openly deny the holocaust but I suspect he does.

This is the problem I have with my brother and I when use the argument that professional scientists and engineers around the world are not coming forward crying fake to everything, he just turns around and states that his father-in-law is and engineer and he should know what he is talking about.

Unfortunately qualified doesn't always mean right in the head.

Offline DD Brock

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You probably aren't wrong. The use of LEM is almost invariably by a hoax believer. Anyone I've ever seen with any knowledge use LM,   Lunar Module, or maybe even lem. 

Full disclosure, I am by no means a scientist, engineer, or any other kind of credentialed authority. Just an average blue-collar Joe who reads everything I can get my hands on about the history of spaceflight ( among many other historical subjects).
I happen to be a credentialed engineer, but so what? All you reveal here is that you are capable of rational thought and critical thinking. Scientists and engineers have no hegemony on that process. It is to your credit that you can read and understand the material. As a professional graduate engineer, I can claim to spot the BS quicker than you, perhaps, but that does not mean I am any better or worse that you. In fact, I quite love the fact that you want to learn new things and have the ability to absorb and understand new data. There is a CT mindset out there that the entire scientific and engineering community is somehow in cahoots to conceal the real science from you "knowlessmen". Nothing could be further from the truth of course.

Sometimes even the works of hoax believers, if only out of curiosity.
Curiousity was what got me interested. Many years ago, I had a tradesman fitting wardrobes in my home who, it turned out was a hoaxie. That prompted me to start researching. I couldn't fathom that there were real people who subscribed to such nonsense. Turns out there are.

Smartcooky, thank you. I should have remembered that, considering the events of 1968 were the focus of the episode. Brain fart, lol!
Well, there's a thing.Smartcooky is a genuinely nice guy. So is Jay, ka9q, LO, dwight, bob. b, gillianren, bryanpop, our resident vampire, nomuse, frenat, Luke, Apollognomon, ineluki, echnaton, rob<somedurn number>, sus, sts, obm, RAF, Capt. Swoop (apologies to any I missed) good grief the list is endless. But I would be hard pressed to make a similar list of hoaxies.  The simple fact is that there will be a subject matter expert right here, on whatever topic a hoaxie raises. They don't like that much.

Don't give me too much credit,  I have a laymen's understanding of the technical aspects.I struggle to understand alot of the engineering and especially the science involved, but I do try to understand, and I'm not afraid to ask when I don't.  That, as I see it, is where the HB's fall flat on their faces. They cannot say "I do not understand, could someone explain this," they say " this doesn't make sense, it must be fake!!" At that point most learning tends to stop, in my experience.

I have met some of the nicest and most incredibly helpful and knowledgable people in Apollo defender circles (forgive me for a lack of a better term). I have learned a great deal in the last couple of years about Apollo and spaceflight in general from you good people in various places around the net. I am grateful to all of you. People I can learn from are one of life's great gifts!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 07:26:41 PM by DD Brock »

Offline ka9q

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Oh yes, we saw it here. My famous points are: [...] "Apollo capsule was white at the launch pad, not reflective"  ;D

Well, that's actually true. At the launch pad, the CM has a white boost protective cover. It is jettisoned along with the escape tower (which pulls it off) shortly after staging, exposing the CM's aluminized Mylar thermal covering. Little (if any) of this survives re-entry so when it lands, it's brown from the now-exposed phenolic heat shield resin.

Offline LunarOrbit

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I will not be posting here any longer

Funny because there are 11 more posts from you waiting in the moderation queue. I guess you haven't quite caught on that you're being moderated yet.

I will decide whether to approve those posts when I get home from work tonight. Maybe use that time to collect some actual proof for your claims.
Wait, are you saying Romulus said he wouldn't post here any more, then made 11 more posts after that?

Yes, that's right. I placed him under moderation last night right after he said he wasn't going to post here anymore, and then when I woke up this morning there were 11 posts waiting to be moderated.

I hope you release his posts; maybe one of them will discuss why he said the photographs he posted were "totally undeveloped".  Or maybe he'll decide to rejoin the conversation.

I've approved all 11 posts. There doesn't seem to be anything of interest, just more insults and baseless accusations.

You'll probably have to go back a few pages to find the posts since people have been posting in the meantime.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth.
I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth.
I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
- Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

Offline smartcooky

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Really? What a strange place to keep your files, but then that hardly surprising since you are full of freshly laid turd, and its probably the only place you have to keep them on.

Me, I keep my files in a filing cabinet or on my computer, or on a portable HDD or jumpdrive
If you're not a scientist but you think you've destroyed the foundation of a vast scientific edifice with 10 minutes of Googling, you might want to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

Offline smartcooky

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Not just bragging of a false accomplishment, but claiming the most amazing thing in human history, and it is a goddamned lie.


This looks like a full on case of China syndrome to me

If you're not a scientist but you think you've destroyed the foundation of a vast scientific edifice with 10 minutes of Googling, you might want to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

Offline beedarko

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I will not be posting here any longer

You are among the most dishonest and unethical people I have ever met.

Does reneging on multiple promises to leave the board count as dishonesty?

Offline Bob B.

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You know, a reasonably intelligent person can construct a defense against practically any kind of obvious truth. Why are there no tracks from a wheeled vehicle where astronauts  footprints can clearly be seen right where the wheels would have had to roll? Well, they picked it up, it was light on the moon.....Ok, it's possible, yeah.  But we both no he real reason is because it was carried there and placed. No dust displaced under the ascent stage engine? Well, it only had the force of a leave blower...(LMAO)....Astronauts exposed to essentially exactly the same rate of radiation exposure on LEO missions as where they traversed the van allen belts and walked on the lunar surface outside the protection of the magnetosphere, surviving 1600 x ray flares and many hundreds of par tile events...THEY GOT REAL LUCKY, they "won the lottery" so to speak..45 years later it cannot be done, a no government claims it is near ready ebcause they don't have the means to get beyond the magnetosphere and protect astronauts from radiator in space, but these 6 missions all succeeded in the past century nearly half a century ago and not a single man was lost on any lunar mission, not even a broken finger or scraped knee....And a man filmed dropping off a ladder supposedly on the moon can be experimentally proved to have been accelerating at a speed 2.5 times what he would on the moon, and NASA claims our videos are not e idence because they're not first generation, while claiming to have lost the originals. DO you see my point?

Yawn.  Nothing here but the same old long debunked nonsense.

Offline scooter

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Why are there no tracks from a wheeled vehicle where astronauts  footprints can clearly be seen right where the wheels would have had to roll? gosh, I think he got one (and doesn't even know it...). Yes, the activity behind the rover at each stop, unloading and reloading equipment, did indeed obscure the rover's tracks.
Wow...some thread. Are your heads recovering from all the wall banging? It would be nice if just one HB could stick to the topic and really answer challenges, but alas...your patience is admirable.