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Eclipse 2024

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--- Quote from: PDI on April 02, 2024, 12:51:13 PM ---I am looking forward to the eclipse, especially since the path is only a 3 hours drive. However, the predictions are not good (Cleveland, 65% cloud cover). Still, the reason we chose Cleveland is because of the "Lake Erie bubble" which can produce clear skies near the lake even though it is cloudy inland. (Beyond that, I do not know the science behind it and whether it will help with the type of clouds predicted.)

Good luck to everyone else that is attempting to see it.


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The weather forecast has improved slightly here in Hamilton, Ontario. It was predicting rain... now it says it will be partly cloudy. I'm hoping it continues to improve.

I had hoped to travel to Texas (I'm a member of the Planetary Society, and they're having a big do at a location there), or at least Niagara Falls, ON (specifically Niagara-on-the-Lake), but my wife is completely uninterested. Will have to make do with the partial here in Mississauga, or watch online. Forecast for Mississauga right now is a mix of sun and cloud.

I'm headed to Texas with a Celestron 6SE plus sun filter. No photography, though, just observation. I have a pair of eclipse glasses for which this will be their 4th eclipse.


--- Quote from: grmcdorman on April 03, 2024, 07:22:13 AM ---I had hoped to travel to Texas (I'm a member of the Planetary Society, and they're having a big do at a location there), or at least Niagara Falls, ON (specifically Niagara-on-the-Lake), but my wife is completely uninterested. Will have to make do with the partial here in Mississauga, or watch online. Forecast for Mississauga right now is a mix of sun and cloud.

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We got a last-minute hotel stay in Niagara Falls (Canada) on Monday night, and _not_ for the 4x they're charging (for Sunday night?). So we are now planning to go early Monday, watch the eclipse, and then stay overnight. I am really looking forward to this, seeing an eclipse has been on my bucket list for a long time.

I decided to plug my telescope in to test it and discovered that it isn't slewing left or right, just up and down. I should be able to work with that, but it's annoying because I've probably only used it half a dozen times since I bought it. It has spent most of it's life on a shelf in my storage room.


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