Do you mean:-
1. Where exactly the CSM was whenever particular photos were taken
2. The exact positions of surface features in the photos
3. Both?
I can't help much with the details, but have you studied the many materials at the Apollo Lunar Surface Journals and Flight Journals for the relevant missions? instance, the main ALSJ page for Apollo 15 lists both "A15 Lunar Photography NSSDC" and "Press Kit", which have details of the mapping and panoramic cameras.
The Press Kits are one of the first places to go because they are written in fairly simple lay terms for the media, and then there are the scientific documents for more detailed information.
National Geographic Vol. 141, No. 2, February 1972, "To the Mountains of the Moon" by Kenneth F Weaver, pages 230-265, includes, in its Apollo 15 article, a few diagrams and descriptions of the mapping and panoramic cameras. For instance, on page 249:
The SIM's mapping camera shoots overlapping pictures (left, light squares), while a laser altimeter measures distance to the moon's surface (dashed red lines). Simultaneously a stellar camera photographs a star field to determine the attitude of the spacecraft.
Another camera takes panoramic exposures (dark area). By photographing the same 210-mile-wide swath from successive positions, a stereoscopic view is obtained.
There are more details on pages 250 and 251, including precision and accuracy of the cameras and laser altimeter.