I think it's very reasonable to claim the holocaust is a hoax.
And that is just one of the many things you are wrong about. But of course irrational people like you do not always recognize that they are being irrational.
Why do you think a reasonable person would believe the holocaust?
Because the idea that there was a massive international conspiracy to trick people into believing that millions of people were murdered is not even remotely believable. A rational person would recognize that.
But then I was challenged by some French students to reexamine.
Oh, well... if you heard it from some French students then it must be true.

How about you read the stories of some holocaust survivors? Surely their first-hand knowledge trumps the claims of a bunch of students who were born decades after the fact?
But I know you will just accuse them of lying for no other reason than that you are bigoted against Jews. If you're honest with yourself, you'll know that is true.
So far you have accused survivors of lying, others of conspiring to commit a massive hoax, and pretty much everyone else of being brainwashed idiots. And you still can't comprehend why people find holocaust denial offensive?
I want to follow the rules. Is there a rule that says nobody can be protagonist that the holocaust is a hoax?
The rule is that you can't be offensive. It's the same thing.
Like I said, the rule is vague because there are an infinite number of ways to be offensive. But the reason I didn't immediately ban you is because that rule is vague. Instead I warned you not to continue with that topic.
There is also a rule that says you can't ignore warnings from the moderator, and another saying you can be banned for provoking me. I warned you once that holocaust denial is not welcome in this form, and yet you persisted. That is both ignoring my warning, and provoking me.
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just ban you right now.
I'm not an anti-Semite...
Yes, you are. Your willingness to accept the "challenges" from those French students over the first-hand accounts of holocaust survivors is entirely based on your biases against Jews.