Author Topic: Najak potpourri  (Read 15085 times)

Offline onebigmonkey

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Najak potpourri
« on: December 09, 2024, 12:44:22 AM »
But it was filmed live +1.25 second delay at 60 frames per second North American standard.  You are just idly speculating

Other than idle speculation, you have proof of this?  Has anyone actors or crew stepped forward and corroborated this?  No
And you are presuming that everything we saw on TV was honest/genuine.  The MLH theory is that all (or most all) of the Moon footage was pre-filmed, possibly in June 1968, per this man's father's Deathbed confession, who was the Chief of Security for the Hanger in 1968 at Canon AF base, NM.

Just because they say it's "live footage" - does that make it fact?

There was no death bed confession.

Live footage makes it fact when the details in that footage could not possibly have been created anywhere but where and when it was claimed.

Offline Mag40

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2024, 01:47:10 AM »
But it was filmed live +1.25 second delay at 60 frames per second North American standard.  You are just idly speculating

Other than idle speculation, you have proof of this?  Has anyone actors or crew stepped forward and corroborated this?  No
And you are presuming that everything we saw on TV was honest/genuine.  The MLH theory is that all (or most all) of the Moon footage was pre-filmed, possibly in June 1968, per this man's father's Deathbed confession, who was the Chief of Security for the Hanger in 1968 at Canon AF base, NM.

Just because they say it's "live footage" - does that make it fact?

There was no death bed confession.

Live footage makes it fact when the details in that footage could not possibly have been created anywhere but where and when it was claimed.
Brother Bart "says". I could have sworn najak said he was embarrassed by the HB trivia and wouldn't be bringing it up! Sibrel has never spotted one single thing that doesn't fall into the category of Verbal Diarrhoea.

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2024, 01:49:23 AM »
Is this done to irritate? The only telemetry data lost that could have been significant was the SSTV data for Apollo 11.
Do you really think that we ONLY lost the source tapes for Apollo 11?

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2024, 01:50:41 AM »
#1: I'm juggling a dozen commenters.

And you want to start more threads? If you have time for more threads you have time to respond to the questions and comments that have been directed at you in your existing threads. You will not be starting any new threads until you do.
THIS thread is stale..  We aren't talking about Flags anymore -- all has been said on this topic.   All have made their closing arguments.

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2024, 01:53:02 AM »
Brother Bart "says". I could have sworn najak said he was embarrassed by the HB trivia and wouldn't be bringing it up! Sibrel has never spotted one single thing that doesn't fall into the category of Verbal Diarrhoea.
You think these death-bed confessions are fictional?  Liars?  Delusional?

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2024, 01:59:12 AM »
Brother Bart "says". I could have sworn najak said he was embarrassed by the HB trivia and wouldn't be bringing it up! Sibrel has never spotted one single thing that doesn't fall into the category of Verbal Diarrhoea.
You think these death-bed confessions are fictional?  Liars?  Delusional?

Yes, yes and yes. Read the link I gave you.

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2024, 02:07:20 AM »
Thanks for the coverage on this.  It was very informative, and useful.

I tend to ignore just about everything said by Bart -- but this confession seemed "odd to be faked" - so I tend to think it's genuinely made.  This dying man seems to believe what he is saying.  You did note:

"Which is interesting given that other than his birth state of Arizona and his final resting place in Florida, there are few indications other than a property deed in Clovis that Gene lived anywhere other than Michigan."

So he did live in Clovis.  His dad did confess to killing someone who was going to "leak it" -- do you think that's total fiction too?

He had 14 names -- fiction as well?  It was too oddly specific.

Of course your current Apollogists beliefs MANDATE that this was fiction.  But if it were brought to light that MLH is true (e.g.Aldrin officially confesses) - would you reconsider your views on this man's death confession?

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2024, 02:31:59 AM »
Thanks for the coverage on this.  It was very informative, and useful.

I tend to ignore just about everything said by Bart -- but this confession seemed "odd to be faked" - so I tend to think it's genuinely made.  This dying man seems to believe what he is saying.  You did note:

"Which is interesting given that other than his birth state of Arizona and his final resting place in Florida, there are few indications other than a property deed in Clovis that Gene lived anywhere other than Michigan."

So he did live in Clovis.  His dad did confess to killing someone who was going to "leak it" -- do you think that's total fiction too?

He had 14 names -- fiction as well?  It was too oddly specific.

Of course your current Apollogists beliefs MANDATE that this was fiction.  But if it were brought to light that MLH is true (e.g.Aldrin officially confesses) - would you reconsider your views on this man's death confession?

It says he has a property in Clovis, that is not the same as living there.

His dad did not make a death bed confession. It never happened. He wasn't even head of security there, just a sergeant. Bart's story is just that: a story. Like the rest of his autobiography, it's a work of fiction.

No astronaut will ever come out and make any such confession, because those astronauts went to the moon.

Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2024, 02:43:24 AM »
His dad did confess to killing someone who was going to "leak it" -- do you think that's total fiction too?

Could you provide the time stamp in the Akers video where he makes this claim? I can't recall hearing this from any source except Sibrel directly.

Offline Mag40

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2024, 03:17:23 AM »
Do you really think that we ONLY lost the source tapes for Apollo 11?
What have you got?

Telemetry that was of any use was recorded on multiple forms of media and went into a whole barrage of reports. The only thing useful was as said by JayUtah, the Apollo 13 data. The only thing that would be useful now is the SSTV from Apollo that could have stopped the ghosting and improved the picture.

Tell me something and see if you can engage the logical part of your brain without HB bias.

NASA didn't even need to tell the world about this. None of these tapes were readable without enormously expensive specialist readers. HBs are certainly never going to do anything with them.

HBs actually claim as part of the process to "dupe" the whole room in Mission Control, that somebody faked the whole mission telemetry and fed it into the system. They cite NASA doing a dry run for Apollo landing with setup telemetry. So a rather stupidly contradictory claim.

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2024, 05:41:43 AM »
#1: His dad did not make a death bed confession. It never happened. He wasn't even head of security there, just a sergeant. Bart's story is just that: a story. Like the rest of his autobiography, it's a work of fiction.
#2: No astronaut will ever come out and make any such confession, because those astronauts went to the moon.
#1: Bart is a story teller for sure.   But this dead guy, seems authentic.
Clovis checks out -- odd to own a home and not live in it - but this is your assumption...?
You showed a pic from 1943 -- 25 yrs before the alleged filming of A11/12.  <-- you High integrity website should say this.
As of 1968, they had planes there, but no hangers?
For A11/12 - the hanger size would relatively small.   A12 - conveniently had no video camera to carry around... so that would have made this one easier.
The 14 names are oddly specific.
"Chief of Security for a Hangar -- isn't a HUGE title....  It just means "hey Staff Sergeant, you've been put in charge of security for this hangar"
I don't see the gain for this dead guy... don't see HIS motive to lie.

#2: If Aldrin confesses, would you accept it, or call him senile?

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2024, 06:15:43 AM »

Clovis checks out -- odd to own a home and not live in it

Odd to own a home and not live in it? Seriously? You know what a landlord is, right?

A12 - conveniently had no video camera to carry around... so that would have made this one easier.

Quite a jump there. Apollo 12 did have a TV camera. Why do you think it didn't?

I don't see the gain for this dead guy... don't see HIS motive to lie.

First, if the story was told by Bart Sibrel, the original guy doesn't need a motive since it's questionable if he even made this confession in the first place. Bart is a serial liar and known for being far more interested in making a name for himself and making money than in anything resembling the truth (and that is a conclusion I have partly based on my own direct communication with the man, just in case you think I'm just parroting a line here). Second, money is a pretty good motivator, especially for some anonymous guy on the periphery who maybe just wants a bit of notoriety.

#2: If Aldrin confesses, would you accept it, or call him senile?

IF he makes such a confession, it still doesn't topple the huge mountain of evidence that Apollo happened as described. It would be a far more plausible notion that he made such a confession 'for shits and giggles' than that it carried any evidentiary weight.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 06:42:31 AM by Jason Thompson »
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Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2024, 07:12:30 AM »
#1: His dad did not make a death bed confession. It never happened. He wasn't even head of security there, just a sergeant. Bart's story is just that: a story. Like the rest of his autobiography, it's a work of fiction.
#2: No astronaut will ever come out and make any such confession, because those astronauts went to the moon.
#1: Bart is a story teller for sure.   But this dead guy, seems authentic.

Based on?

Clovis checks out -- odd to own a home and not live in it - but this is your assumption...?

But not unusual.

You showed a pic from 1943 -- 25 yrs before the alleged filming of A11/12.  <-- you High integrity website should say this.

The list of people with editorial control over my website is very short. You are not on it. I make no claim that the images shown represent the base in 1968. There is one lower down the page that is much more contemporary. Use that.

As of 1968, they had planes there, but no hangers?

Who said they had no hangars. Go to the 1965 image. There are lots. Which is the one they used to supposedly film Apollo?

For A11/12 - the hanger size would relatively small.   A12 - conveniently had no video camera to carry around... so that would have made this one easier.

Which hangar is the one? Define how big it needs to be.

The 14 names are oddly specific.

Aren't they just. You'd need to ask Bart why he fabricated the list.

"Chief of Security for a Hangar -- isn't a HUGE title....  It just means "hey Staff Sergeant, you've been put in charge of security for this hangar"

That isn't the claim being made. The claim is that he was chief of base security.

I don't see the gain for this dead guy... don't see HIS motive to lie.

Follow Bart's money.

#2: If Aldrin confesses, would you accept it, or call him senile?

Moot point. It won 't happen because he went to the moon.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 07:16:05 AM by onebigmonkey »

Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2024, 08:14:30 AM »
"Chief of Security for a Hangar -- isn't a HUGE title....  It just means "hey Staff Sergeant, you've been put in charge of security for this hangar"

You appear to be the only one claiming he was "chief of security for a hanger" (why would individual hangers need a specific security chief?)

From Bart Sibrel's 'Moon Man' (my personal copy);
"This original direct eyewitness of the Apollo deception, now deceased, was the Chief of Security at the United States military base where the staged Apollo 11 Moon landing was secretly filmed."
"This Air Force Military Police Chief..."
"Below are fifteen names of visitors that the Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base..."
" The names are listed below in the exact same order as they originally appeared on the list that I received from the Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base."
"When the Chief of Security of Cannon Air Force Base saw the..."

Given how many times Sibrel had to repeat it, I wonder if he's trying to convince his readers, or himself.

I did like this part though;
"They threatened his life, and the lives of his family, if he ever spoke to me again." So, naturally, what does Sibrel do...... why he contacts people in the FBI and government, you know, those people who if they found out, would kill Akers and family.
"In order to protect this individual, I notified the FBI, a United States Senator [who Bart? Why wont you tell us? Is it so we can't check your claims?] on the Intelligence Committee, and the White House Press Secretary."

Offline LunarOrbit 🇨🇦

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2024, 01:38:07 PM »
THIS thread is stale..  We aren't talking about Flags anymore -- all has been said on this topic.   All have made their closing arguments.

You have left questions/comments unanswered. And I'm talking about all of your threads, not just this one.
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