Author Topic: Najak potpourri  (Read 15216 times)

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2024, 06:18:27 AM »
This is such a boring and oft-repeated argument. You are bringing nothing new here.
I'm OK with dropping this point.  It's OUT OF SCOPE for my focus to discuss "did we leave earth's orbit".   My focus is solely upon the question of "what proof is there that we didn't land men on the moon?"  Just the landing part.  That's it.

I only mentioned this in context of Bart -- to give him credit for obtaining this admission by Bean that he didn't have a clue about Van Allen - which is ironic given that he went through the worst of ANY OTHER MISSION.   It's suspicious that "it was a HUGE DEAL" starting out -- off-the-charts radiation, and talked about repeatedly. 

In what year did all of concerns dissipate?   So much so that the first humans, Apollo 8, didn't even mention these belts anywhere in the transcripts or reports.

So I find this suspicious, but out of scope for my focus.   At this time, I'm NOT making any claims that "we didn't send men into orbit around the moon."

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2024, 06:22:22 AM »
The worst of what? This is whack-a-mole HB Bingo crap!
I believe your video might be "misinformation" -- I believe the Apollo reports themselves say something far different than what mainstream pseudo-science is telling us now... it doesn't map back to the Apollo reports.  The Apollogist Influencers are feeding this crap, and people are repeating it... 

So you might want to fact check this.

As for me -- it's out of my scope.  This isn't a CLAIM that I'm making.  My theses are not hinged upon whether or not we left Earth Orbit.

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2024, 06:24:05 AM »
But was he talking about Apollo?
Please watch the interview and tell me what you conclude.

Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2024, 06:27:40 AM »
@TimberWolfAU - this response applies to your last comment as well.   It's very odd that the man who went through the worst of it, has no clue what they even are.

As the LMP for Apollo 12, what bearing did the VAB have on Bean's duties and responsibilities? I say none.

Offline Mag40

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2024, 06:38:32 AM »
The worst of what? This is whack-a-mole HB Bingo crap!
I believe your video might be "misinformation"
Nope. I even showed you a link showing the orbital inclination! Here is a page with the ground track:

I believe the Apollo reports themselves say something far different than what mainstream pseudo-science is telling us now
What utter bollocks.

it doesn't map back to the Apollo reports.
OK, this is where you back that lie up.

The Apollogist Influencers are feeding this crap, and people are repeating it.
I am not an Apollogist and nobody on this forum is either.  Nothing about this is crap. 

So you might want to fact check this.
Already done so. You are so far out of your depth you don't even know it.

As for me -- it's out of my scope.  This isn't a CLAIM that I'm making.  My theses are not hinged upon whether or not we left Earth Orbit.
Yet you still have the HB Bingo lies to spout. Withdraw your lie about "went through the worst of it".

But was he talking about Apollo?
Please watch the interview and tell me what you conclude.
Nobody cares. It's a colostomy bag of a strawman.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 06:40:33 AM by Mag40 »

Offline Miss Vocalcord

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2024, 06:40:51 AM »
Please watch the interview and tell me what you conclude.
I know the interview; that is why I was asking you. Where is he asking about Apollo?

Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2024, 06:42:52 AM »
So much so that the first humans, Apollo 8, didn't even mention these belts anywhere in the transcripts or reports.


From the Apollo 8 transcript;
Apollo Control here. And we're 5 hours, 9 minutes into the flight and we, as you heard the crew record, the S-IVB is doing its propulsive vent. Now we should see a pretty dramatic separation between the two vehicles. The S-IVB will remain on a path which will take it essentially, if you consider the Moon straight ahead of you for analogy purposes, it will take the S-IVB to the right of the Moon while the spacecraft will veer into the left and slightly ahead of the Moon. Earlier in that conversation you heard Anders reporting his PRD readings. That's the Personal Radiation Dosimeter, and perhaps another dosimeter and they were down on the negligible range as we anticipated they'd be, although the crew at this point has passed through probably the thickest portion of the van Allen radiation belt as it departs the Earth. It'll continue to go through some residual background radiation on out to about 40,000 miles. The - That's the new position in this flight, the flight controller named radiation has been instituted because of our passage through the belt. And at this point we've heard nothing from him which is about what we expected to do. At 5 hours, 10 minutes into the flight; this is Apollo Control, Houston.

Over the next few hours, Frank Borman would get increasingly unwell, with some concern amongst the doctors on the ground that it was from radiation, or the Asian Flu. Today, Borman's sickness is attributed to Space Adaption Syndrome.

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2024, 06:47:09 AM »
I know the interview; that is why I was asking you. Where is he asking about Apollo?
Before I answer, I'd like to know your conclusion.  Is he talking about Apollo here?  I think yes, clearly.

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2024, 06:49:46 AM »
Really?.... Over the next few hours, Frank Borman would get increasingly unwell, with some concern amongst the doctors on the ground that it was from radiation, or the Asian Flu. Today, Borman's sickness is attributed to Space Adaption Syndrome.
Thank you for the correction.  This is "out of my scope of proof" and simply recounted a statement from American Moon - which clearly has some integrity issues. Massimo made this claim.  Thank you for correcting it.  I'll never make this erroneous claim again.

Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2024, 06:53:12 AM »
Please watch the interview and tell me what you conclude.

Got an unedited version? Right before they talk about the VAB (13:40) there's a cut, but Bean is still talking, what was cut?

Sibrel gets so many basic details wrong, time and time again, that anything he shares should be taken with a bag of salt.

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2024, 06:55:18 AM »
Yet you still have the HB Bingo lies to spout. Withdraw your lie about "went through the worst of it".
I'll withdraw my statement.  For this stuff here, I'm only parroting from others.   If I ever decide to attack the LOE MLH claims, I will research these in detail.  For now, it's simply out of scope, and so I withdraw ALL claims to do with Van Allen.

I only brought this up, in context of Sibrel, who is the one who gave us these interviews.  And I do think it's notable that Bean didn't know about Van Allen.  I thought the "return trip" is where A12 went very close to equatorial....  Is this untrue?

Offline najak

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2024, 07:01:32 AM »
Got an unedited version? Right before they talk about the VAB (13:40) there's a cut, but Bean is still talking, what was cut?
Sibrel gets so many basic details wrong, time and time again, that anything he shares should be taken with a bag of salt.
I'd love the unedited version.  I agree that "cuts" are always suspicious, and especially from Sibrel.

From the continuous footage we have, what are your conclusions about Bean and his awareness of VAB for A12?

Offline Miss Vocalcord

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2024, 07:04:25 AM »
Before I answer, I'd like to know your conclusion.  Is he talking about Apollo here?  I think yes, clearly.
I don't think he is.

Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2024, 07:11:14 AM »
From the continuous footage we have, what are your conclusions about Bean and his awareness of VAB for A12?

You'd like me to repeat myself? Ok.

As the LMP for Apollo 12, what bearing did the VAB have on Bean's duties and responsibilities? I say none.


Why would any of the astronauts have needed to know any details about the belts? I could see maybe Apollo 8 and maybe 10 having to keep track of dose readings during the traverse, but once they came back with acceptable dose readings, then the VAB would be well down the list of things the astronauts would need to be concerned with. And for Bean's Apollo 12, well by his flight, three others had already been through the VAB, so again, it would have been very far down the list of concerns. Maybe, at best, NASA might have said 'don't EVA during this period', but considering only Apollo's 15 through 17 needed an EVA mid-flight, and this was on the way back from the moon, there wouldn't have been any concern in this area either.

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Re: Najak potpourri
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2024, 07:16:35 AM »
We don't have continuous footage. We have an edit, then a leading question from Sibrel without context.

Do you think "out far enough" is more likely to relate to Skylab or Apollo?