Author Topic: David Icke banned from entering Australia  (Read 14599 times)

Offline Obviousman

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David Icke banned from entering Australia
« on: February 20, 2019, 03:26:08 AM »
I know there are freedom of speech issues here, but I am cheering:

Offline Peter B

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Re: David Icke banned from entering Australia
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2019, 07:45:22 AM »
Anyone who's been to Australia knows...we have a lot of lizards!
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Offline Kiwi

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Re: David Icke banned from entering Australia
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2019, 10:08:56 AM »
I know there are freedom of speech issues here, but I am cheering:

Part of that article says:-
"He has been ridiculed time and time again but as the passage of time passes he is proved right again and again and again."

Oh, really?

He was actually WRONG again and again and again in this article that I kept from a New Zealand scandal-rag in 1991, so some of us might think he should be ridiculed time and time again.

New Truth,  Friday 12 April 1991, page 5
NZ doomed!
Ex-Green Party chief warns of devastation and death
Rest of world is going to cop bit of battering too, says new son of God...
   Prepare to meet thy doom!  That's the message Britain's ex-Green Party chief turned prophet has for New Zealand.
   We're just one country singled out by David Icke, the self-styled Son of God.  The former English footballer and BBC sports presenter called a press conference to tell all who would listen that whole countries will disappear in the coming catastrophe, and the world will be rocked by earthquakes, tidal waves, landslides, hurricanes and floods.
   Icke singled out New Zealand for devastation by a tornado and landslides some time before next Christmas.  This may cause some alarm, particularly in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty where about 20 tornadoes and water spouts are recorded each year.  But none have been big enough to cause serious damage since records began 145 years ago!
   Icke claims to get his information from a "high frequency being."  And he says a mystery spirit takes control of his hand when he picks up a pen.
   "I am the conveyer of new truths... a messenger of the great Godhead," he proclaimed.  "l am here to warn the world of pending terrible disasters."
   The ex-Coventry City goalkeeper declared that little evil beings from the star Sirius were to blame for planting a sense of evil in our universe.
   "We have now reached a situation in time when our world is under serious and terrifying threat.  The Godhead itself has become imbalanced," he thundered.
   "The whole of creation could end.  I am here, though, to tell you of these dangers.  And there is still hope.  Please believe, believe in the power of love.  It's mankind's only escape.  If the world cannot find a new and proper balance by the year 1997 then the rest of the universe will have no choice but to cut off planet Earth from the energy system."
   Icke then listed the 32 nightmares destined to devastate the world before Christmas.
   But those of you who feel like rushing outside to build an underground shelter might pause to consider that nobody in Britain is taking Icke seriously.  In fact, at the press conference his own 16-year-old daughter, Kerry, broke into a fit of giggles when her dad predicted disaster.
   And a top psychologist, Jane Fairbank, commented:  "It is so very sad.  He is suffering from deep mental stress.  This often happens to people who have been in the public eye."
32 places to avoid, says Icke
   David Icke predicts a string of disasters are about to rock the world.  He could not give any dates, but New Zealand is listed as one of the places to avoid:
1.  The Shakespeare Cliffs in Kent, England, will be hit by a huge landslide, stopping all work on the Channel Tunnel.
2.  Londonderry, Northern Ireland, will be hit by a hurricane.
3.  The Mull of Kintyre will sink after huge floods.
4.  Tayside is flooded.
5.  Landslides rock the Isle of Arran.
6.  Floods hit the south west coast of Ireland.
7.  A volcano erupts at Mount Rainier, Washington.
8.  Devastating floods in Bangladesh.
9.  Mount Vesuvius erupts in southern Italy, with serious damage to Naples.
10.  Mount Pelee in Martinique blows up, virtually destroying the island.
11.  The Mount Pelee explosion will affect Gulf Stream, causing colder weather in Britain and America.
12.  Major floods in Japan, particularly hitting the city of Nagasaki.
13.  Earthquake rocks Nanking in China.
14.  An earthquake at Wuhan in China, measuring 10 on the Richter scale.
15.  The Arctic circle starts to move south.
16.  Antarctica begins to melt.
17.  Mount Viti Levu in Fiji spews out "the earth's pollution."
18.  A tornado and land slides cause devastation in New Zealand.
19.  A fire destroys Naples cathedral.
20.  Severe floods in Holland.  Amsterdam is badly affected.
21.  Salzburg in Austria hit by an earthquake.
22.  Landslide wrecks Mount Rosa on the Italian/Swiss border.
23.  St Moritz, Switzerland, is destroyed by a landslide.
24.  Mount Etna in Sicily erupts, causing a tidal wave which destroys the island.
25.  Cuba sinks after earthquakes and tidal waves.
26.  An earthquake rocks Mexico.
27.  Mount Fuji all over Japan.
28.  [Missing]
29.  Los Angeles becomes cut off from the rest the American mainland by an earthquake.
30.  Earthquakes hit New York, Las Vegas and the Texas oil fields.
31.  Denmark suffers floods.
32.  Tidal wave swamps Greece and southern Italy.
Caption:  Saving the world... Icke (centre) with daughter Kerry (left) and wife Linda.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 10:14:52 AM by Kiwi »
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Offline bknight

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Re: David Icke banned from entering Australia
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2019, 12:50:48 PM »
I know there are freedom of speech issues here, but I am cheering:

Part of that article says:-
"He has been ridiculed time and time again but as the passage of time passes he is proved right again and again and again."

Oh, really?

He was actually WRONG again and again and again in this article that I kept from a New Zealand scandal-rag in 1991, so some of us might think he should be ridiculed time and time again.


14.  An earthquake at Wuhan in China, measuring 10 on the Richter scale.
This is rather pushing the limits since I believe that the strongest earthquake ever was in Chile 1960 at 9.5
Perhaps he should re-listen to his "high frequency being."
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: David Icke banned from entering Australia
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2019, 09:28:21 PM »
I am not a fan of travel bans, but I won't shed any tears over it either.  What a crackpot. 
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett