I can offer another couple of little anecdotes for y2k..
I was computer systems manager at an adult education college way back thenabouts (a big one with multiple remote networked campuses) and we had several old systems (eg enrolments and room bookings) that needed to be tweaked to properly handle the rollover. Nothing too bad would have happened, but they needed fixin'..
I am slightly embarrassed to also admit that I used to do systems analysis and programming .. in dBASE II, III and IV (and dBXL, Clipper, Arago...
oh the memories!!)..

and had several custom systems out in the real world that needed to have adjustments to various fields and calculations. Again, nothing major, but it had to be done. And I can proudly report no aircraft under any of my system's control ever fell from the sky, thanks to my diligence..

(Ironically, I
did write a system for a crop-dusting company's operations..!)