Quietly, and without too much fuss, South Korea has been photographing the lunar surface, and has managed to get shots of Apollo 11 and Apollo 17's lunar modules. They've also imaged a decent chunk of Hadley Rille - they just miss the landing site, but photos taken of the rille are, unsurprisingly, a perfect match for those taken during Apollo 15.
Here's their tweet about it:
https://twitter.com/kari2030/status/1706532004945412205The raw images are available here:
https://www.kari.re.kr/kpds/published/KPLO/KPLO/PublicRelease/LUTI/DataThere's a view of Apollo 11 taken in May that isn't yet availalbe.
If you want to grab the files yourself, search for these in the lists:
Apollo 11 (March 2023 folder)
Apollo 17 (March 2023 folder)
Hadley Rille (February 2023 folder)
There are .img and .png formats, as well as RAW and Processed versions (I've edited out the parts of the filename that reference raw/calibrated). Each specific time and date from 'LUTIA' has a companion 'LUTIB' image if you want to view the wider site.
Here are Apollo 11 and 17 from my own processing:

And Apollo 11 from May 2023 that isn't yet public as a raw image

They idenitfy the large white flare as the LRRR.