
Off Topic => Tech Support => Topic started by: Daggerstab on June 05, 2012, 01:42:06 PM

Title: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: Daggerstab on June 05, 2012, 01:42:06 PM
Simple Machines (the forum software) has an option limiting the time for which a post can be edited after being made:
Time Related Settings
Maximum time after posting to allow edit - Number of minutes allowed to pass before a user can no longer edit a post they have made. Set to 0 disable. (...)
Title: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: PetersCreek on June 05, 2012, 02:29:05 PM
1440 minutes is common on other forums, which seems reasonable, to me.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: LunarOrbit 🇨🇦 on June 05, 2012, 03:19:18 PM
Yes, I turned on that feature this morning after I woke up to the mess DAKDAK created.

1440 minutes is 24 hours, correct? I don't know... a troll can make a lot of posts in that time, and then delete them. I've currently got the timer set to 30 minutes, but I am willing to extend it if people want me to.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: Chew on June 05, 2012, 03:29:58 PM
Is the setting board-wide or can it be set to different values for different members?
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: carpediem on June 05, 2012, 03:31:25 PM
Yes, I turned on that feature this morning after I woke up to the mess DAKDAK created.

1440 minutes is 24 hours, correct? I don't know... a troll can make a lot of posts in that time, and then delete them. I've currently got the timer set to 30 minutes, but I am willing to extend it if people want me to.
I take it there is no way to restore the original content of his messages?
I would hope that the forum software would archive the original contents of posts for situations such as these.
Title: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: PetersCreek on June 05, 2012, 04:07:26 PM
In my limited mod experience, most troll/HB meltdowns come well after 24 hours.  Before that, the problem is usually revisionism.  Personally, I would prefer more than 30 minutes to go back and fix stupid tyops but it wouldn't give me heartburn to live with that limit.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: Glom on June 05, 2012, 04:34:15 PM
I think 30 minutes to an hour is fine.  It is the nature of this forum that we're going to attract the kind of characters who would do the kind of stuff we've witnessed.  Not being able to correct small errors will be annoying, but not a big deal to prevent a repeat of today.  Besides, if anything's really that important, we could also pester LO to make a change.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: gillianren on June 05, 2012, 06:15:29 PM
So what we're really asking here is what's the bigger nuisance, conspiracists or perfectionists?  Tough call.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: LunarOrbit 🇨🇦 on June 05, 2012, 06:48:40 PM
I think the perfectionists out number the conspiracists something like 100 to 1 on this forum.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: DataCable on June 05, 2012, 07:13:04 PM
I think the perfectionists out number the conspiracists something like 100 to 1 on this forum.
"Outnumber" is one word.  :P
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: LunarOrbit 🇨🇦 on June 05, 2012, 07:19:28 PM
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: Tanalia on June 05, 2012, 09:42:53 PM
I'd think 4-6 hours would be sufficient for most needs.  I wouldn't worry much about someone posting then trashing a lot of posts in a short time (under a day) -- the egregious problems are from people who have participated (using the term somewhat loosely) for an extended period suddenly deciding to be complete cowards.

Anyway, can you go in and at least fix the thread titles?

eta: Ah, I see it's already happening...  :)
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: LunarOrbit 🇨🇦 on June 05, 2012, 10:04:29 PM
I'm going to increase the edit time to 2 hours. I'm also going to try installing a plugin that will keep track of post revisions and allow me to revert posts to earlier versions. If that works well I will increase the time limit or maybe even remove it.

I was only able to restore the titles of some posts unfortunately. The quotes we made of his posts helped, but weren't complete enough.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: carpediem on June 06, 2012, 06:50:33 AM
I was only able to restore the titles of some posts unfortunately. The quotes we made of his posts helped, but weren't complete enough.
As cjameshuff pointed out it's possible to find many of DAKDAK's posts in google's cache.
I looked through the results and his posts are still visible using the following url's:

"How many cumbic feet were in the Apollo Command module" [4]

"I don't know if man went to the moon in the sixties" [1]

"I don't know if man went to the moon in the sixties" [4]

"I don't know if man went to the moon in the sixties" [5]

"I don't know if man went to the moon in the sixties" [9]

"I don't know if man went to the moon in the sixties" [10]

"How many cubic feet were in the Apollo Command module" [1]

"How many cubic feet were in the Apollo Command module" [2]


"The official audio Record of Apollo 11" [1]


"15 miles of wire: guess the volume" [2]
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: ChrLz on June 06, 2012, 07:08:01 PM
Forgive this radical suggestion, but I'm wondering about how best to deal with the aftermath - all the above stuff is good, but may I tentatively (and in a complete turnaround!) suggest that Dak be *unbanned* (don't panic - keep reading!!), but placed under full moderation, so that everything goes through LO (or some other duly authorised deputy).  That way he will be unable to spam multiple posts, add new topics/threads, UNTIL he addresses outstanding issues..  That way he may wish to explain himself, offer any medical excuses he may have, etc..  Plus he will be unable to claim martyrdom anywhere else, and, let's face it, without Apollo deniers (and there are very few left), there won't be much traffic hereabouts...

OK, it was just a thought..  I have moments of madness...
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: LunarOrbit 🇨🇦 on June 06, 2012, 08:53:10 PM
I was only able to restore the titles of some posts unfortunately. The quotes we made of his posts helped, but weren't complete enough.
As cjameshuff pointed out it's possible to find many of DAKDAK's posts in google's cache.

Thank you, carpediem and cjameshuff. I was able to use the links you provided to restore about half of DAKDAKs posts, but anything he posted after about May 31 is still missing. But I'm thinking those will server a useful purpose in showing people how immature he was.

Forgive this radical suggestion, but I'm wondering about how best to deal with the aftermath - all the above stuff is good, but may I tentatively (and in a complete turnaround!) suggest that Dak be *unbanned*

I don't think that's going to happen. He asked to be banned and vandalized the forum to ensure it would happen, so I think he would have a hard time claiming martyrdom.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: Glom on June 07, 2012, 01:49:23 AM
However, he did try to remove the evidence of his ignorance obviously hoping he could be banned safe in the knowledge that noone would know what he said.

The fact that a large number of his posts have been restored could possibly leave him with the desire to explain himself.

Or maybe not.
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: Not Myself on November 07, 2012, 09:46:52 AM
So this is why I can't correct my typo from earlier.  It will now be there to haunt me forever :(
Title: Re: Preventing DAKDAK/Playdor-style revisionism
Post by: Echnaton on November 07, 2012, 02:53:15 PM
It is somethign taht ihvae grwon acustom too.  You will to.