
Apollo Discussions => Clavius Moon Base => Topic started by: QuietElite on October 12, 2017, 04:29:16 PM

Title: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: QuietElite on October 12, 2017, 04:29:16 PM
clavius.org doesnt show pictures anymore which are important for illustration purposes. Does someone know if the website is still maintained ? It would be bad when it stays in that way since it is a great source for hoax claim debunks.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on October 12, 2017, 05:28:35 PM
Yes, the site is still maintained.  The hosting company recently switched to a new virtualization management system and the photos haven't worked right since.  I have a ticket open with them for this problem.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: QuietElite on October 12, 2017, 06:09:22 PM
Yes, the site is still maintained.  The hosting company recently switched to a new virtualization management system and the photos haven't worked right since.  I have a ticket open with them for this problem.

Ok good to know  :)
It seems that something like that is currently a sprawling problem one the internet. I recently saw on many other websites that there are images missing or that the image is replaced by some sort of "error image".
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: bknight on October 13, 2017, 08:29:39 AM
Oh I can see the clamor, images taken down as they are/were fake.  Good luck Jay on getting the fix in place.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: Glom on October 17, 2017, 05:23:02 AM
The layout graphics are gone too.

I checked out the site to link to Occam's Razor because the HB at cosmobaut really needs to understand not jumping to wild conclusions on flimsy pretexts, but it's now just text. No buttons.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: bknight on October 17, 2017, 08:38:58 AM
The layout graphics are gone too.

I checked out the site to link to Occam's Razor because the HB at cosmobaut really needs to understand not jumping to wild conclusions on flimsy pretexts, but it's now just text. No buttons.

He does need a lot of help in even understanding his position, apparently taken from Mary Bennett's calculation of the radiation received during the Orion mission in 2014.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: beedarko on November 28, 2017, 05:41:42 AM
I'm hopeful this is fixed soon.

I was all excited to send a skeptic to Jay's site yesterday because she was interested in what she described as "shadow anomalies", but left disappointed when I noticed the image links were broken.

Jay, if you've found no joy with your provider and need an offsite image host, I'd be happy to volunteer my dedicated server, as I have a lot of leftover bandwidth that isn't being used.  PM me if interested.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on November 28, 2017, 01:56:27 PM
It doesn't appear to be a problem with the hosting.  The problem appears to be with the 1990s vintage HTML.  I'm working on it.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: beedarko on November 28, 2017, 07:31:55 PM
It doesn't appear to be a problem with the hosting.  The problem appears to be with the 1990s vintage HTML.  I'm working on it.

I'm pretty sure <img src="blahblah.com/c-rock.jpg"> still works.   ;)

Anyway, good luck with your efforts, sir.  The ultimate Apollo site needs to return to its former glory.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: Tk67 on January 11, 2018, 07:51:45 AM
Thanks for setting up such a forum!

The Clavius site seems still not to work after months...
Anything we could do to help?
Is there any direct link to the images?

For example:
=> Not Found

=> Forbidden

So the directory exists, but I'm not allowed to see it's index.
I tried a few variations:
and the like, without success yet.

But maybe someone with the appropriate right could tell:
- if the img/ directory is empty or does indeed contains images
- if the name of the images is as expected (and so it' a right problem) or slightly different (and I may be able to read some).


Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on March 18, 2018, 12:38:20 PM
As far as I can tell all the images should be working now.  If you run across any pages with missing Clavius-hosted images, post the link in this thread.

As far as what happened, I'm one of the oldest customers of this particular hosting company.  As such, my account has gone through numerous upgrades in technology, and avoided some by grandfather policies.  So clavius.org ended up being a corner case of all the corner cases for their migration to a new authentication, control panel, and hardware infrastructure.  I graciously let the programmers use it as a guinea pig to work out the bugs, the final step of which (last week) being that we inadvertently zorched all the images off their space and I had to restore them all from an offsite backup.  Just goes to show that software is non-trivial even for something as straightforward as hosting.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: LunarOrbit 🇨🇦 on March 18, 2018, 01:04:18 PM
I was just wondering this morning about how good the internet will be at preserving information from our time period for future generations, when compared to books and printed photographs. I'm not super confident. Digital information should be easy to convert from old formats to new ones, but in reality it isn't.

Both of our websites are examples of how server technology has changed and the older information on them hasn't been properly protected from those changes, at least not without some effort on our part. And on top of that, the preservation of the information our websites depends on someone continuing to pay the bill after we're gone.

Our websites are almost 20 years old now (yikes!). I'm not sure they will be around in another 20. Paper deteriorates over time, but it definitely has it's advantages.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: bknight on March 19, 2018, 09:49:26 AM
I was just wondering this morning about how good the internet will be at preserving information from our time period for future generations, when compared to books and printed photographs. I'm not super confident. Digital information should be easy to convert from old formats to new ones, but in reality it isn't.

Both of our websites are examples of how server technology has changed and the older information on them hasn't been properly protected from those changes, at least not without some effort on our part. And on top of that, the preservation of the information our websites depends on someone continuing to pay the bill after we're gone.

Our websites are almost 20 years old now (yikes!). I'm not sure they will be around in another 20. Paper deteriorates over time, but it definitely has it's advantages.

If it can be manipulated it will be, remember Murphy?  well he was an optimist. :)
Time sure does pass fast when you're having fun.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: gillianren on March 19, 2018, 11:06:51 AM
It's why the Library of Congress hasn't digitized its film collection.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on March 19, 2018, 01:10:36 PM
To be sure, my hosting company keeps offsite backups of its own in a literal bunker.  But I agree these forms are all largely ephemeral when compared to some of the originals.  Old film is a poor archival medium because it is subject to chemical decay (acetate produces acetic acid, I'm told).  Celluloid is subject to a similar decay.  The camera originals from Apollo are undergoing dye shifts, prompting them to be digitized at high resolution if only to have a record of them as they are before future decay occurs.  Ironically I received an initial copy of Roll 39, digitized from camera originals in lossless format at a zillion DPI.  Damned now if I can find the hard disk they were stored on.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: gillianren on March 20, 2018, 12:23:17 PM
Part of the issue for the LoC is changing standards of format.  Think how many kinds of format there are for just pictures and which have already gone obsolete.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on March 21, 2018, 09:51:37 AM
Indeed, when was the last time you saw an image in TARGA format?  This plagues engineering greatly too.  Back in the 90s there was a big push to do everything with CAD/CAE/CAM.  But no one product had staying power, and there were few, if any, common digital formats for design data.  So even after some firm upgraded to a new system, instances of old computer systems had to be kept and maintained in order to access the old stored designs.  Even at the time the space shuttles were retired, there was no definitive external record of any of the orbiters.  Each contractor and subcontractor had its own digital record in its own format  It remained the case that if you really needed to confirm exactly how something was built on the orbiter, you had to go and physically inspect the orbiter.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: beedarko on September 12, 2018, 11:05:33 PM
Ironically I received an initial copy of Roll 39, digitized from camera originals in lossless format at a zillion DPI.  Damned now if I can find the hard disk they were stored on.

Please reassure me that you weren't an early adopter of Bitcoin.    ;)
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on September 14, 2018, 10:12:28 AM
Ironically I received an initial copy of Roll 39, digitized from camera originals in lossless format at a zillion DPI.  Damned now if I can find the hard disk they were stored on.

Please reassure me that you weren't an early adopter of Bitcoin.    ;)

As an investment, no.  As a method of payment, yes.  As a technology (i.e., blockchain), certainly.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: beedarko on September 15, 2018, 06:37:44 PM
Same here, actually.  That was just a friendly jab at your comment about misplacing the hard drive.   ;)  I've heard more than one similar story involving lost ɃTC.

I local friend of mine had 6,000 at one point when they were nearly worthless.

Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: Peter B on January 02, 2025, 04:47:08 PM
Warning, thread necromancy!  :)

I just wanted to mention that Figure 7 is missing on this page: https://www.clavius.org/techlmstab.html

(Sort of relevant in the context of a certain current discussion...)

Thank you, carry on!
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on January 02, 2025, 04:57:03 PM
Yes, I noticed that too. Not sure what the problem is, but last time it was broken file permissions on some of the photos. The ISP has changed their site management dashboard software, so I'll have to dredge up the password and figure out how to work that dashboard.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: smartcooky on January 03, 2025, 04:14:02 AM
I'm getting this when I try to visit clavius.org

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to www.clavius.org. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: grmcdorman on January 03, 2025, 07:46:51 AM
I'm getting this when I try to visit clavius.org

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to www.clavius.org. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
Appears to be because HTTPS is not enabled. I've enabled HTTPS-only mode in Firefox, and in that case it says "Secure Site Not Available". It's not essential to use HTTPS for clavius.org because there are no sign-ons, but the lack may discourage visitors if they don't understand what the warning means.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on January 03, 2025, 11:40:24 AM
Indeed inasmuch as the site is just a big bag of static HTML, there's no reason to encrypt anything in transit. That's an anachronism in 2025, so it appears I'll have to add "Get SSL/TLS certificate" to my list of items to discuss with the ISP. That would seem to be the most polite way of dealing with modern browsers.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: JayUtah on January 09, 2025, 04:13:57 PM
I've renewed the SSL certificate for clavius.org. Let me know if any of you are still getting browser "Don't go there, sister!" messages.
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: Grashtel on January 09, 2025, 07:42:57 PM
Just went there to check and while last time I had looked my browser was complaining about the SLL cert it is now working smoothly, so yay!
Title: Re: Clavius: missing photos
Post by: Luke Pemberton on January 10, 2025, 01:07:26 PM
I've been getting the 'go there and your details might be stolen with money heading to a bank account in Utah' message.

All good now  :)