Apollo Discussions => The Hoax Theory => Topic started by: Dalhousie on March 18, 2025, 06:31:33 PM
Anyone heard of this clown?
Anyone heard of this clown?
So its not a video of the person confessing, its video of the son claiming his father confessed?
If so that's hearsay, and there's nothing to see here.
Anyone heard of this clown?
So its not a video of the person confessing, its video of the son claiming his father confessed?
If so that's hearsay, and there's nothing to see here.
Exactly. But I have some in-laws convinced by it....!
Anyone heard of this clown?
So its not a video of the person confessing, its video of the son claiming his father confessed?
If so that's hearsay, and there's nothing to see here.
Exactly. But I have some in-laws convinced by it....!
Well, no insult to your in laws. but
Anyone heard of this clown?
Onebigmonkey has posted an excellent analysis of this 'claim' - https://onebigmonkey.com/itburns/bartbs/bartsbull.html
Onebigmonkey has posted an excellent analysis of this 'claim' - https://onebigmonkey.com/itburns/bartbs/bartsbull.html
Onbigmonkey certainly has done a great analysis. A fair way down, he says this:
Yes, von Braun went to Antarctica. Yes, he collected some meteorites. But see if you can guess how they know now that they are lunar in origin.
I have done a fair bit of study of von Braun's trip to Antarctica, but I can't find here in New Zealand the same sort of stuff that would be available in the U.S., so I have never seen anything about him collecting meteorites of any type while there. As far as I can tell, he never went anywhere near the areas where lunar meteorites were later found.
Does anyone know anything about von Braun collect any meteorites in Antarctica and, if so, what information is available?
None of the records I have seen of Wernher von Braun's trip to Antarctica mentions the search for or recovery of meteorites. That absence is highly conspicuous, because prior to 1969 the discovery of a meteorite of any origin in Antarctica was an incredibly rare event. Between 1911 and 1969 only four meteorites had been found in Antartica, and none of them were of lunar origin. Had Von Braun found one on his trip, it would have been a herald event in the international scientific community. The first meteorites of lunar origin were discovered in the 1970s but recognized as lunites only in the 1980s when they were compared to Apollo anorthosite specimens.
It's a while now since I wrote that page, and I can't say for certain where I got that idea from - I'm happy to correct the page if he never collected any meteorites at all!
I've tweaked the text about Antarctica :)