I keep dipping into this but so far have only successfully identified Ursa Major in Mag HH:
HH is listed in the photo index as being 'Sunrise solar corona. REV 38,REV 47/48'. There are other things that appear to be celestial objects but as they are just a few objects it's difficult to be absolutely certain. Sunrise would have been on the lunar far side and Ken Mattingly was on his own at the time,so there isn't a lot in the transcripts to go on, but Ursa Major would certainly have been in the right place for that.
There is quite a bit of this:
but having seen this on magazines that were used for other things I'm confident they are just headers and not of interest.
What is of interest is the footage of what appears to be John and Charlie suiting up prior to entering the LM:
Which I don't think has been seen before.
Magazine MM is listed as dim light photography, which could equally apply to objects on the surface (similar photography was done in Apollo 15 looking at objects in Earthshine) and some of the features in it look more like glints off the edges of craters.
I'm dopwnloading the MPEG2 file to see if that reveals any more detail
Apollo 14 also used a 16mm magazine (J) for Gegenschein region photography, but this has not (as far as I can tell) appeared on line and is not listed in the photo index.
Retro Space Images recently posted this image of magazines returned by Apollo 14 awaiting transfer for processing:
It looks to me as though the list on the lid goes up to 'I' and 'J' is missing. Either that or it is a smudged 'J' ad 'I' is missing, but we know that I exists!