I can't at all see anything "ridiculously insane" about this boot print argument. Could you please enlarge on that comment? I would like to understand why you've said that. Perhaps you just don't know enough about it (which is the most common trait of hoax-believers)
The question asked was “How did the regolith produce the famous bootprint if dry sand was used?”
Maybe it’s the original question that’s the confusing part, as it implies that I’m suggesting that dry sand was used in the photo. My claim is that dry sand was used in the film footage, so I’m pretty sure that the question he was asking should have read “How did the regolith produce the famous bootprint if dry sand was used in the film footage?” So to me, it implies that he is under the illusion that the boot print photo had to be taken under the same conditions as the film footage, and therefore disproving the dry sand claim. I’m sorry, but I can’t think of a way to make it any clearer, and if I could, then I suspect my neighbours’ cat would understand. Maybe the gentleman who asked the question could clarify what he meant, as I’m sure that paint should have dried by now.
You see, this is the problem with you people, as you take everything you are told as the gospel truth and therefore no one is allowed to question it, even though there is no real evidence to support these alleged facts. Your arguments are all based on the assumption that your idols would never lie to us, so you only see what you want to see. There are people who swear they have seen the earths curve from a plane, but they only see it because they want to see it, simply because their minds are too gullible and weak to distinguish between reality and fantasy. (I’m still not a flat-earther, but I’m getting there).
You are told that the alleged moon regolith, as you wannabe scientists like to call it, reacts differently than it would on earth, which blinds you to the fact that it reacts in exactly the same way as sand does in an indoor environment on earth. You think a short video segment showing people in Zero G proves that they are in space because you are assured that only 30 seconds max is possible in a Zero G plane.
I've done the math on that before, but we'll do it again.
Typical civilian airliners cruise between 39,000 to 41,000 feet (11800 to 12500 meters), but we'll start at an even 50000 feet (15240 meters). To simulate weightlessness, the aircraft flies in a parabolic arc, using engines to compensate for drag, such that you are accelerating towards the ground at 9.8 m/s
Distance formula is d = d
0 + v
0t + 0.5a
t2. We'll assume d
0 and v
0 of 0 at the top of the arc, so that simplifies to d = 0.5a
t2. Solving for
t, we get
t = sqrt(2d / a).
Plugging in 15240 for d and 9.8 for a, we get 55 seconds to fall 50000 feet (neglecting air resistance, which again the aircraft does by using its engines to compensate for aerodynamic drag). However, that assumes we fly
all the way into the ground, which aircraft tend not to do if they can help it. The actual gravity trainer aircraft tend to limit the maneuver to 2500 meters (falling from 9700 down to 7200 meters, at least based on the chart on the Wikipedia page). That gives us a total "weightless" (free fall) time of around 22 seconds.
I don't believe that just because i've been
told that. I believe it because
that's how it is. If you drop something while standing on the Earth's surface, it
will be accelerated towards the ground at 9.8 m/s
2, neglecting air resistance or other effects. That means it
will hit the surface in a finite amount of time. It takes less than a minute for something to fall 50000 feet (again, neglecting air resistance).
You have a problem with any of that, take it up with Newton and Galileo and the thousands of people who've replicated basic mechanics since then.
You accept that the moons’ surface is so reflective that we can see a man descending a ladder on the shadow side of the LM, lit up like a Christmas tree, while the picture below shows a rock with its shadow side in total darkness. Did the person taking that photo forget to don his ultra-reflective spacesuit?

Jay already covered this one. The rock in the original image is indeed illuminated. The copy you're looking at is more contrasty than the original.
You think the moon rocks are genuine because you believe that geologists from around the world have confirmed their authenticity, but they’ve confirmed nothing of the sort. The only people that could possibly vouch for their authenticity are the people directly involved in the alleged collection of the samples. An alleged moon rock doesn’t contain one single property that can’t be found or manufactured on earth,
Except for having been bombarded by solar wind for the last couple of billion years, but hey...
but you still insist that they would be impossible to fake. We are assured that it would be impossible to find or manufacture 850 pounds of moon rock, but you have no proof of this amount of rock and soil actually existing.
You assume that steering a craft in space is easy because you are told so, and you think you have the science to back you up, and there is even one “dude” on here that seems to think a jet aircraft would work in space. People like that should be locked up for their own safety. Let’s take the Trans-lunar injection as an example, because when that rocket engine bursts into life, the sudden jolt would be like inflating a party balloon and releasing it,
How much of a jolt? Quantify your answer.
and that on-board computer coupled with those mechanical gimbals wouldn’t stand a chance of keeping up with the corrections that would be required,
Why not? Even the most primitive 1960s-era computer was faster than a human's reaction time. Even if it's only updating a few dozen times a second, that's
far faster than any human could hope to achieve.
and the same goes for the lift-off from the moon. I have now came to the conclusion that if space does in fact exist in the manner we have been educated to believe, then all space flight would be pointless, as controlled navigation would be impossible due to there being no air to stabilize the craft.
You've heard of Isaac Newton, right? Smart dude. Figured out that momentum is conserved - that is, if you push something away from you, that thing pushes back with equal force in the opposite direction. If you fire a rocket engine in space, it pushes you in a direction opposite of its exhaust. If you place tiny rocket engines at strategic places on your spacecraft, then you can steer in a vacuum.
For a current example, see the Falcon 9 booster in the following video after separation (timestamp 17:39, or T+2:40):
You see the booster using its cold-gas nitrogen thrusters to re-orient itself for entry (being outside of the Earth's sensible atmosphere already).
You think I’m talking out of my rear end, simply because you believe I lack the intelligence to understand how things work as you perceive them to work, but receiving a higher education and passing your exams, just means that you had a good enough memory to put down on paper all the BS fed to you in class. Intellect isn’t something you learn in class as we are all born with a smidgen of intellect, which grows as we get older and wiser, but sadly for some, this intellect is suppressed and not allowed to grow, probably due to a sheltered upbringing and a lack of real life experiences.
So listen carefully, it was 1969, do you understand? Ok I’ll say it again, it was 1969, you children have been conned. You are simply too young to understand, as you were born after the indoctrination started back in the sixties, and you have no first-hand experience of those events.
You know, some of us were born before 1969. At least a few people here were already in their teens and twenties by then.
1969 wasn't the goddamned Dark Ages. We had supersonic aircraft and nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft carriers and ICBMs in 1969. We had spy satellites and digital computers. The technology
was there to go to the Moon. It wasn't
easy, but it was more than possible.
Anyone my age who believes in the moon landings must have been too high on LSD to take any notice and the rest of you have been conditioned to think in a way that ignores logic. You have the right to have an opinion, but until you come up with some hard evidence to back up your theories, then that’s all you have, an opinion and nothing more.
Edit: I wrote the above comment some months back, but never got around to posting it as I had grew bored arguing with a bunch of fools who’s only defence is blind faith. Since then however it suddenly hit me that I myself were only half awake, as I now realise the full extent of this “global” deception, so I’ll leave you to live out this ridiculous fantasy that you call reality. We will all go to our graves, not knowing the true reason for our existence, but at least I won’t go to my grave as dumb as the day I was born. In case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight!
More projection than an IMAX, there.