Author Topic: Shuttle question.  (Read 5763 times)

Offline BILLR

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Shuttle question.
« on: December 27, 2012, 09:43:36 PM »
Hi guys. I have a question about the tires on the space shuttle. Were the tires inflated for the whole flight , from launch until landing, or were they inflated at some point before landing after re-entry.I ask this question because i noted one of the call's for Columbia was a tire pressure loss on re-entry during the accident. I assume the tires would not be infated until the final phases of flight do to the hugh pressure and temperature changes. Thanks.

Offline Nowhere Man

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Re: Shuttle question.
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2012, 11:31:14 PM »
Shuttle tires were kept inflated for the whole flight.  The pressure difference between orbit and sea level is only 15 PSI, a difference that most tires can cope with.  For instance, your car's tires recommend around 30 PSI but can probably take 60 (although I wouldn't want to try it myself).

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Offline BILLR

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Re: Shuttle question.
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 12:18:52 AM »