Author Topic: Biden's choice of running mate  (Read 5934 times)

Offline gillianren

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Re: Biden's choice of running mate
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2020, 11:13:40 AM »
That's for sure. I've read what he said about it, but I still really can't understand why McCain picked her. It's never as simple as just one thing, but to me that was a huge part of why he lost. (definitely cost him my vote)

Because they assumed that middle-aged white women who voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary were doing so just because she was a woman and would vote against Obama in the general if McCain had a woman on his ticket.  Why her is a question, but that's the basics.
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Offline Jeff Raven

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Re: Biden's choice of running mate
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2020, 12:07:42 PM »
Why her is a question, but that's the basics.

That's what I was referring to - why he picked Palin specifically.

Offline jfb

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Re: Biden's choice of running mate
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2020, 09:44:17 PM »
I've been hoping that Biden would make a proper selection for a running mate, win the presidential election, then resign for health reasons and let the VP take over.


Boy, I hope not.

Democrat Party primary voters voted for Biden to be the party's candidate. So he'd better step up to the plate and do the job the party selected him to do.

Plus there are Trump supporters over at UM who are convinced he'll do exactly that (resign early). It'd be a shame to prove them right.

I'd like to think he could at least outlast William Harrison...

Democratic.  Democratic Party.  Democratic President.  Democratic primary voters.  This has been the usage since the early 1800s.

Yes, I will die on this hill.


Harris would not be my first pick, but...honestly, he could do worse.  There’s nobody among the current crop of serious contenders who is without serious flaws, but Harris is smart, politically savvy, and...well, young.  Biden is 77, and while he’s in decent shape, he will be an octogenarian at the end of his term (assuming he wins).  It means she’s the presumptive nominee in ‘24.   

Offline Peter B

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Re: Biden's choice of running mate
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2020, 11:23:35 PM »
I've been hoping that Biden would make a proper selection for a running mate, win the presidential election, then resign for health reasons and let the VP take over.


Boy, I hope not.

Democrat Party primary voters voted for Biden to be the party's candidate. So he'd better step up to the plate and do the job the party selected him to do.

Plus there are Trump supporters over at UM who are convinced he'll do exactly that (resign early). It'd be a shame to prove them right.

I'd like to think he could at least outlast William Harrison...

Democratic.  Democratic Party.  Democratic President.  Democratic primary voters.  This has been the usage since the early 1800s.

Yes, I will die on this hill.

:-) I saved two whole letters!


Harris would not be my first pick, but...honestly, he could do worse.  There’s nobody among the current crop of serious contenders who is without serious flaws, but Harris is smart, politically savvy, and...well, young.  Biden is 77, and while he’s in decent shape, he will be an octogenarian at the end of his term (assuming he wins).  It means she’s the presumptive nominee in ‘24.

I think he's made a good choice for VP. For one thing he couldn't really go choosing someone in his age group, like Sanders or Warren. For another he couldn't really choose someone from the left wing of the party as it would have been too easy for Trump to mobilise the centre in his favour.

I think Biden-Harris is a combination that 2016 Trump supporters with voter regret can support in 2020.
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