I've been having fun recently getting to grips with 2D and 3D rendering of lunar images taken by (eg) India's Chandrayaan and Japan's Kaguya probes.
On of the things I've argued with conspiracy theorists who have some sort of beef with NASA is that other space agencies are available, and all they have to do is put some effort in to see how their lunar images compare with NASA's in general and Apollo in particular. To help people do that I've written three pages covering China, India and Japan:
http://onebigmonkey.com/tuts/chand/chand.htmlhttp://onebigmonkey.com/tuts/jaxa/jaxatut.htmlhttp://onebigmonkey.com/tuts/china/chintut.htmlSadly while I have all of the 2D tiles from China's probes I neglected to download the DEM tiles when they were up, so the 3D element of that page is missing. Hopefully they'll bring them back up one day.
The idea at some point is to do some proper 3D renderings of the Apollo landings sites and bring all those pages together as a tutorial section.
Meanwhile, for anyone with some spare time and a decent amount of hard disk space, have fun
If anyone spots any obvious howlers or it isn't clear then do let me know.