In case it's useful, the Spacecraft Films Apollo 16 DVD set, disc 2, has 4 minutes 36 seconds of 16mm DAC footage (possibly at 6fps) from orbit which shows the terminator at about 31 degrees west, just beyond Montes Riphaeus, so maybe near the end of the mission -- I'm not sure.
During the first three minutes it's hard to identify lunar surface features due to the lack of relief from the high sun, but between 0:13:37 and 0:14:55 it's much easier to identify small craters and the landing site as follows. The times are approximately when the feature reaches the horizontal centreline of the screen:--
0:13:37 (Right) Dollond U
0:13:38 (Left) Two bright spots, South Ray and North Ray craters – Apollo 16 landing site
0:13:41 Dollond B 7.7°S, 13.8°E
0:13:43 Dollond D, Dollond L 12.4°E
0:13:45 Andel F 8.4°S, 11.0°E
0:13:52 (Right) Hind 7.9°S, 7.4°E, 29 km diameter
0:13:57 (Left) Albategnius B 10.0°S, 4.0°E
0:14:02 Ptolemaeus Y 9.3°S, 0.8°E
0:14:05 (Right) Ammonius (Ptolemaeus A) 8.5°S, 0.8°W, 9 km diameter
0:14:16 Palisa 9.4°S, 7.2°W, 33 km diameter
0:14:23 Guericke E 10.0°S, 12.0°W
0:14:27 (Right) Parry M
0:14:29 Tolansky (Parry A) 9.5°S, 16.0°W, 13 km diameter
0:14:32 (Left) Bonpland C
0:14:33 (Left) Bonpland D
0:14:38 Bonpland N
0:14:40 Kuiper (Bonpland E) 9.8°S, 22.7°W, 6.8 km diameter
0:14:45 Eppinger (Euclides D) 9.4°S, 25.7°W, 6 km diameter
0:14:49 Montes Riphaeus 7°S, 28°W
0:14:55 Terminator, approximately 31° west
Use this info if you wish. I used Antonin Rukl's "Atlas of the Moon", maps 41 to 46, to identify most of the features.