How much work is Jarah really doing to hunt down all these errors? They are typically rare, so it must take some time to find one that is significant enough that it can be force fit into his claims. His passion for anomaly hunting is just amazing.
My thoughts exactly. On this particular one you may have noticed that the article was from the September-October issue. How could he have found that tiny little thing in just a couple of weeks?
One also has to wonder, as he mines for quotes, what huge amounts of material which utterly contradict his position he must pore over. In his six videos of 32 questions to me, he must have dug out at least 50 quotes to "challenge" me, (and other "propagandists"), with. I imagine him as an actual miner: "I had to cart off over 5 tons of gold, silver, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds just to find this one-ounce chunk of granite."