2. The APOLLO 11 on-board computer was not sufficient to preform the tasks that the record says it did.
This is cheesy basic lunar landing program I wrote years and years ago one night when I was bored on duty. It's only 2d (altitude and horizontal distance) and only had controls for pitch and throttle. I originally wrote it in GW-basic on a Zenith computer with a green screen CRT monitor. The other guys in my division played it so much when they had duty it fried black spots into the screen. The goal was to land as close as possible to zero horizontal distance. At first it gave you a score based on your distance from the target but after a little practice we all could land within .1 foot of the target, so I had to change the scoring system to include the amount of fuel remaining.
DAKDAK, copy and paste it into Notepad, save it, then look at the size. This is the bare bones version without a lot of the original error checking lines but you get the idea. There is a lot of extraneous characters, remarks, print commands (which, as you accidentally discovered through your improper reference to image size, was not applicable to Apollo), and long variable names so it could radically be reduced in size.
scale = .0003
q = 180 / 3.14159265#
massmt = 7567
fuel = 8873
'specific impulse 311 s
alt = 50000
hv = 5591.08
g0 = 5.53
pitch = 90
PRINT g, cf, cf - g
vv = 0
thr = 0
pitch = 90
100 a$ = INKEY$
IF a$ = "x" THEN END
IF a$ = "+" THEN thr = thr + .01
IF a$ = "-" THEN thr = thr - .01
IF thr <= .099 AND a$ = "+" THEN thr = .1
IF a$ = "/" THEN thr = 0
IF a$ = "*" THEN thr = 1
IF thr < .099 THEN thr = 0
IF thr > 1 THEN thr = 1
IF a$ = "8" THEN pitch = pitch - 1
IF a$ = "2" THEN pitch = pitch + 1
IF pitch > 180 THEN pitch = pitch - 360
IF pitch < -180 THEN pitch = 360 + pitch
dr = dr + hv * scale
haccel = SIN(pitch / q) * thr * 4477 * 32.2 / (massmt + fuel)
vaccel = -COS(pitch / q) * thr * 4477 * 32.2 / (massmt + fuel)
fuel = fuel - thr * 4477 / 311 * scale
hv = hv - haccel * scale
vv = vv - vaccel * scale + (cf - g) * scale
g = 5.53 * (5702400 / (5702400 + alt)) ^ 2
cf = hv ^ 2 / (5702400 + alt)
alt = alt + vv * scale
LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT USING " ######## #######, ####.# ####.# #### "; dr / 5280; alt; hv; vv; pitch; thr * 100
LOCATE 15, 40: PRINT USING "fuel ### "; fuel / 8873 * 100
GOTO 100