We are all familiar with what it means to drive a car, truck and all kinds of carriages ...
Ships, boats and submarines...
Airplanes or helicopters ...
A real shame that we could not see our intrepid space heroes performing this feat ... just trash film projected behind the triangular window:
What information would be gained by seeing video of an astronaut flying the LM?
Watching the video of the LM landing gives us useful information about the surface of the Moon.
It would be useful to determine if they really went to the moon or simulated, since there is little convincing evidence that module flew anywhere, engines that do not show fire or make noise inside the LM was pressurized, therefore if air why not hear the engine, never?
We just have a dubious story about the greatest feat in the history of mankind, was to not spend movie?
Nor have no film records for maneuvering reentry, why? only are drawings or artistic interpretations.
Do you want video from inside the spacecraft or outside? If inside the spacecraft, what information would be gained by watching three astronauts sitting in their couches? If outside the spacecraft, exactly how do you expect the video to be recorded?
We have seen how the rocket Apollo separate phases in orbit, I see no reason not to do the same when re-entering the atmosphere or when you perform the landing, had become more credible such a strange scene with engines that do not make noise or expelled flar.
As others have shown, you need to look to find information.
Another one that repeats the same music ... "go get" it is NOT an answer but a confession that there is nothing to show.