Some years ago, I read a book regarding the development of the suits from the Navy high-altitude to the A7L, and one passage stuck in my head. David Jennings was the engineer at Hamilton Standard who came up with the idea for a water-cooled undergarment, after seeing something similar that the British used. They made up a test-bed undergarment with regular long-johns and rubber tubing, and the test-subject (Harland somethingorother) started complaining how cold it was. He said something along the lines of it being like jumping into the Arctic Ocean in January. Problem solved.
When I think of the incredible ingenuity and resourcefulness of those guys, at those times, in those places, and realize that the pimply-faced babies who are daring to deny these great achievements probably have to have velcro because they can't tie their shoes, it just fills me with disgust. If these kids only realized the wonder of the incredible achievements and amazing engineering that went into all of this....