I love this. It is a great example of how conspiracy thinking doesn't check facts, totally ignores genuine facts and concentrates on what they want to believe.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-01-09/china-goes-full-keynesian-tard-demolishes-never-used-just-built-skyscraperIt's a story about a building in China being demolished. The article says (or gives the impression) that it was completed on 15 Nov 15 and demolished 9 Jan 16 because it wasn't being used.
The comments below the article start off with how these buildings are being put up quickly then pulled down, job making exercises and then quickly ramps up into a frenzy of 9-11 'demolition' discussion.
Amongst the frenetic activity, a desperate voice of reason asks: just a minute..... doesn't the original story (
http://en.people.cn/n/2015/1116/c90000-8977146.html) say that the building was
demolished on 15 Nov 15? And that a little research shows the building was constructed in 1999?
Little trifling details like that never stop a good online fury of conspiracy self-abuse.