Author Topic: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus  (Read 95874 times)

Offline Peter B

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2016, 11:48:55 PM »
Howdy folks!

Been a good little while since my last post, but I recently ran afoul of a nest of these loons and they threw one at me that has sent me on a little trip down the rabbit hole. Ok, before I lay put the icing on this particular cake of insanity, let me give you some of the details. In their model, we have the following:

  • Their earth is flat.
  • It's a north-down polar projection.
  • Antarctica is an enclosing "wall" of ice along the map's outer edge.
  • All satellite photos are "obvious fakes."
  • No one has ever conclusively proven(to them) that they have crossed Antarctica.
  • And of course the government/Illuminati/Lizard Men are fiercely guarding access to the continent.

Now, as a gestalt, I can poke holes all through that, but there's this one thing I can't seem to lock down. I was hoping to debunk the crossing claim with either some time-lapse of a plane or an expedition crossing, and of all the possibilities I encountered, the real slam-dunk appeared to be the Steger/Etienne team of 1989-90 that went on a true cross-continent traverse, but when I started looking for articles, pics, and videos, all I could really find were 2nd-hand accounts and Stegel's interviews which were sadly devoid of what I was hoping to find.

Would anyone happen to know where I might track down any footage? According to my research thus far, ABC TV received periodic live feeds from the team(and won an Emmy for one of them), but I've yet to locate them on either YouTube, ABC's own archives, or the Library of Congress. I should just let this go, considering how deeply into solipsism they delve, but I would just really like to shut them down.

Don't know about footage, but there have been a number of first hand accounts of crossing Antarctica.  On my shelf I have Hilary and Fuchs, Stephenson (also on the Hillary-Fuchs expedition), Fiennes, and a book by the Transglobe expedition.  Bound to be others - there were other crossings in 1990, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2012,  and 2013.  Of course every trip to the South Pole or the interior stations has to cross The Barrier.

I was going to say, obviously those NASA stooges Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen were in on it. Mawson maybe not so, as his expeditions didn't travel so far away from the coast.
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Offline DonQuixote

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2016, 12:40:13 AM »
Aaawesome!!! Thank you much, guys! Great info and links.
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Offline ka9q

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2016, 01:05:17 AM »
Say, with the advent of "balloon cams" and such, does anyone happen to know a formula for approximating observed curvature as a function of height?
I help mentor a high school group that flies balloons, and we have plenty of high altitude video. For a sample, see It's in portrait mode, so you need to turn your screen 90 degrees. Let's see how quickly people can recognize the geography; I think it's one of the most distinctive areas in the United States.

I am always cautioning the students who see these videos to not think the camera is showing the curvature of the earth. It's simply an artifact of the very wide angle lenses on these small cameras. It would take some care to depict the true shape of the horizon.

In a video of Adam Savage of the Mythbusters flying at 70,000' in a U-2, he does claim he could visually discern the curvature of the earth.

Offline Dalhousie

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2016, 01:39:51 AM »

I was going to say, obviously those NASA stooges Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen were in on it. Mawson maybe not so, as his expeditions didn't travel so far away from the coast.

Proof that NASA has the secret of time travel.  Proof I tell you!!!!!

Offline tradosaurus

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2016, 11:37:31 AM »
Here is something for you globe-earthers to think about.

Can you personally prove the following, that is by measurable or observation experiments?
1) The earth is round
2) The earth is spinning
3) The earth orbits the sun.
4) The moon orbits the earth.
5) Water adheres to a curves surface rotating at 1,000 mph
6) Gravity exists
7) A person doesn't feel the change in rotational speed as he moves from the equator to the north pole where the rotation velocity goes from 1,000 mph to 0 mph.

Good luck.
NASA:  Faking space for over 50 years.

Offline gillianren

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2016, 11:59:01 AM »
If gravity doesn't exist, why do things fall when you drop them?
"This sounds like a job for Bipolar Bear . . . but I just can't seem to get out of bed!"

"Conspiracy theories are an irresistible labour-saving device in the face of complexity."  --Henry Louis Gates

Offline Apollo 957

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2016, 12:11:45 PM »
Trad said "So the earth spinning at 1,000 mph (faster than the speed of sound) is not the same as spinning a basketball at 1,000 mph?  The speeds are the same. Also how does the fact if one moved north or south of the equator on the fictitious rotating globe his speed would decrease until it reached zero at the north  or south pole?  Why doesn't that person feel the change in speed?  Hint; he doesn't because we experience a flat and unmoving earth."

You do realise that the speed can only apply to a POINT on the Earth, don't you? 

You can work out the circumference of a circle from first principles, I assume? And you accept that circles drawn at the equator will have different circumferences than circles drawn partway up a globe?

If you slice a tennis ball at its widest point, and another a quarter of the way down, you'll get different-sized circles at the cut point, won't you?

Honestly, there's enough clues here. You've got to take the rotational speed in revolutions per minute, hour, day, whatever, and apply that to the distance travelled by a point on the surface. 

Offline Apollo 957

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2016, 12:14:52 PM »
Trad said "B) Have you seen some of the supposed photos of the earth taken from space as given to us by NASA?  There aren't many at all which is strange given that there are supposedly 20,000 satellites in earth orbit.  "

Why would you expect most or all of them to carry cameras? Companies pay for communications satellites, weather satellites etc to be launched and maintained, and nothing else. They're not up there to populate a global photo album to please Team Hoax.

However, here's a question - Do you think Sputnik was a hoax?

Offline Apollo 957

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2016, 12:20:01 PM »
Can you personally prove the following, that is by measurable or observation experiments?
1) The earth is round
2) The earth is spinning
3) The earth orbits the sun.
4) The moon orbits the earth.
5) Water adheres to a curves surface rotating at 1,000 mph
6) Gravity exists
7) A person doesn't feel the change in rotational speed as he moves from the equator to the north pole where the rotation velocity goes from 1,000 mph to 0 mph.

Do you insist that anyone responding has carried out the experiments themselves?

If so, my counter-proposal is that you first tell us what experiments you have done personally.

Offline frenat

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2016, 12:26:40 PM »
Can you personally prove the following, that is by measurable or observation experiments?
1) The earth is round
2) The earth is spinning
3) The earth orbits the sun.
4) The moon orbits the earth.
5) Water adheres to a curves surface rotating at 1,000 mph
6) Gravity exists
7) A person doesn't feel the change in rotational speed as he moves from the equator to the north pole where the rotation velocity goes from 1,000 mph to 0 mph.

Do you insist that anyone responding has carried out the experiments themselves?

If so, my counter-proposal is that you first tell us what experiments you have done personally.
Well obviously he's looked out his window and said it looks flat.  Then he went online and checked out youtube and got taken in by the ignorance.
-Reality is not determined by your lack of comprehension.
 -Never let facts stand in the way of a good conspiracy theory.
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Offline Gazpar

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2016, 12:35:30 PM »
Here is something for you globe-earthers to think about.

Can you personally prove the following, that is by measurable or observation experiments?
1) The earth is round
2) The earth is spinning
3) The earth orbits the sun.
4) The moon orbits the earth.
5) Water adheres to a curves surface rotating at 1,000 mph
6) Gravity exists
7) A person doesn't feel the change in rotational speed as he moves from the equator to the north pole where the rotation velocity goes from 1,000 mph to 0 mph.

Good luck.
Have you personally prove there is an edge?

Offline bknight

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2016, 12:43:36 PM »
Here is something for you globe-earthers to think about.

Can you personally prove the following, that is by measurable or observation experiments?
1) The earth is round
I have posted this to you twice and you have ignored the evidence.  No science just observable evidence.
When a ship approaches the very first part of the ship that is visible is the top, then as the ship continues closing the distance more and more of the ship is visible from the top down.  This would not be the case in a flat Earth.  Now disprove that!
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Offline Cat Not Included

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2016, 01:15:57 PM »
So tradasaurus, care to go start a topic in "Other Conspiracies" covering:
A) Why in the world everyone who knew the Earth was flat would want to keep it secret.

ooo! ooo! ooo! I know! I know!

It's a conspiracy by the world's airlines. More specifically those in Australia, South Africa and other southern hemisphere countries. You see, by pretending that the world is a sphere, they can advertise much shorter timetables for their flights from, e.g., Pretoria to Perth and Sydney to Santiago and Buenos Aires, by claiming to take great circle routes to the south. If people knew how long it really took on the flat earth, they'd never buy tickets. And then the US airlines would get all the business. (Oh, wait, I forgot the US is the leader of the scam. Oh well, forget that part. I'll work on it later.) So they went back in time and paid the ancient Greeks to say they'd discovered the spherical shape of the earth. You see, Eratosthenes was actually an Australian agent. He even burnt down the Alexandria library to hide the evidence so today's historians wouldn't find out. Proof is left as an exercise for the reader.

To keep their wicked scam going, the airlines drug every passenger to mess up their sense of time. The flight crews go through and reset everybody's watches and computer clocks so nobody will suspect. Naturally, Big Pharma is also in on the scheme for obvious reasons.

The truly sad thing is that you have just proposed a more coherent narrative than I have ever seen a hoax-believer suggest.
The quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" very clearly predates personal computers.

Offline Cat Not Included

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2016, 01:18:04 PM »
If gravity doesn't exist, why do things fall when you drop them?
Dangit, you beat me to asking this question.  ;D
The quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" very clearly predates personal computers.

Offline Sus_pilot

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2016, 01:23:29 PM »

If gravity doesn't exist, why do things fall when you drop them?
Dangit, you beat me to asking this question.  ;D

What I hate is when I pour myself a cup of coffee in the morning and it floats up to soak into the ceiling tile.  It's so irritating.  Don't you hate it when it happens to you?