Author Topic: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus  (Read 117682 times)

Offline Bryanpoprobson

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #105 on: February 05, 2016, 01:59:20 AM »
When large swathes of Europe believed, because of religious dogma, that we lived in an Earth centred universe. One aspect of this, scientists of those ages had a real problem explaining and never did. Why is it that when observing Planets (not stars) do they show retrograde motion? This major FLAW in Earth centred theory was immediately ironed out, with the universal acceptance of a sun centred solar system.
So why do planets display retrograde motion?
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Offline Chief

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #106 on: February 05, 2016, 02:09:35 AM »

My daughter and her boyfriend flew to Jo'burg direct from Perth with SAA in December.

Nothing else is worth discussing in this thread.

Tradosaurus just saddens me, indicative of the anti-science movement and dumbing down of the masses with pseudo...well, pseudo anything.

This is only going to get worse.

Offline ka9q

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #107 on: February 05, 2016, 02:50:00 AM »
Well Tesla can provide free energy with the cars.
They do: a network of superchargers that provide up to 120 kW or so, depending on your battery's state of charge.

I still charge at home a lot, mainly because it's more convenient.

Offline ka9q

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #108 on: February 05, 2016, 02:53:15 AM »
No. the Antennas are used to broadcast over a flat earth as the British did in the early 20th century before the fiction of satellites were dreamed.
Only the British had broadcast radio? Then there must be something very special about the Atlantic that changes those British accents into American ones before they're received here.

This gets better all the time.

Offline DonQuixote

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #109 on: February 05, 2016, 02:54:55 AM »
Quote from: Chief
indicative of the anti-science movement . . .
I'm a bit of a Johnny-come-lately to the world of CTs, but something's been occurring to me as I've looked into their literature. I'm beginning to think there really is a conspiracy afoot, but it's not coming from the defenders of globe earth or the moon landing. Having given this no small amount of consideration over the past year or so, I keep coming back around to a couple of questions:

  • Who benefits from obfuscating the truth?
  • What conceivably could that benefit be?

Well, I can honestly see no benefit whatsoever for the scientific community being the culprit. If observations had borne out in support of a flat earth and a domed sky, wouldn't our scientists be courting grant money for flip-side expedition attempts, dome research, and near-sun solar arrays? In short, why would science care?

However, there are groups in the world that have a vested interest in science being wrong, and those groups are fundamentalists of all creeds. Now don't misunderstand me - I have absolutely zero problem with people believing in whatever they want to believe(I myself was brought up Southern Baptist), but there are just some people who can't separate their faith from objective truth and will go to heroic, perhaps even nefarious, lengths to preserve their world views. Could that be the source of the dumbing down - groups who seek to poison the well of knowledge, so to speak?
You can lead a fool to knowledge, but you can not make him think.

Offline ka9q

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #110 on: February 05, 2016, 03:17:23 AM »
The other planets are very clearly spherical. Not a single one is a flat disc.
Roughly spherical. Jupiter spins so quickly (< 10 hr) that it is visibly flattened in a telescope. Just like the earth, only more so, demonstrating that the earth is just another planet following the same physical laws. It doesn't matter whether the object is solid, liquid, gas or plasma, if it's massive enough to have significant gravity, it will approximately attain the shape (an oblate spheroid) with a constant surface gravitational potential energy. (Note, not constant surface gravitational acceleration; that's the derivative of the potential function with respect to radius, i.e., how quickly the potential energy increases with altitude.) The exact shape of the earth's equipotential surface is called the geoid. It is approximately equal to sea level.

The earth is still well approximated by an oblate spheroid; its equatorial radius is about 22 km greater than its polar radius (Mt. Everest is only 8.8 km above sea level). The geoid deviates only about +/- 100 meters from this, mainly due to a non-homogeneous interior. But those deviations are still very important to those living on coastlines.

Bodies that turn more slowly are much closer to being perfectly spherical, e.g., Sol (our sun), Mercury, Venus and Luna (our moon).

« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 03:24:26 AM by ka9q »

Offline bknight

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #111 on: February 05, 2016, 06:53:33 AM »
If gravity doesn't exist, why do things fall when you drop them?
Dangit, you beat me to asking this question.  ;D
For a degreed Engineer, he makes some really dumb observations.  Like Neil Baker, I'm ashamed to call him a fellow Engineer.
Why in the world would you call him a fellow engineer?
I'll give him the benefit of doubt, although he makes some really novice observations and statements that likely proves he doesn't have a job as an engineer and what he attended classes for went up in smoke :)
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Offline sts60

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #112 on: February 05, 2016, 08:04:32 AM »
Sorry, no, not buying it.  I can't believe anyone with a Mech E degree from UT would be so utterly clueless.  I think tradosaurus is merely a troll.

Although your point about not practicing is valid.  Even having a degree doesn't make you a practitioner.  I have an undergrad degree in (space) physics and I'm no "Degreed Physicist".

Offline bknight

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #113 on: February 05, 2016, 08:09:59 AM »
Sorry, no, not buying it.  I can't believe anyone with a Mech E degree from UT would be so utterly clueless.  I think tradosaurus is merely a troll.

Although your point about not practicing is valid.  Even having a degree doesn't make you a practitioner.  I have an undergrad degree in (space) physics and I'm no "Degreed Physicist".
I respect your opinion concerning a degree, and I really support the thought about him being a troll, as I have stated in both of the threads.
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Eugene Cernan

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #114 on: February 05, 2016, 08:18:30 AM »

Well Tesla can provide free energy with the cars.
They do: a network of superchargers that provide up to 120 kW or so, depending on your battery's state of charge.

I still charge at home a lot, mainly because it's more convenient.

I think you missed my feeble attempt at a joke...

Offline nomuse

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #115 on: February 05, 2016, 09:30:57 AM »
The other planets are very clearly spherical. Not a single one is a flat disc.
Roughly spherical. Jupiter spins so quickly (< 10 hr) that it is visibly flattened in a telescope. Just like the earth, only more so, demonstrating that the earth is just another planet following the same physical laws. It doesn't matter whether the object is solid, liquid, gas or plasma, if it's massive enough to have significant gravity, it will approximately attain the shape (an oblate spheroid) with a constant surface gravitational potential energy. (Note, not constant surface gravitational acceleration; that's the derivative of the potential function with respect to radius, i.e., how quickly the potential energy increases with altitude.) The exact shape of the earth's equipotential surface is called the geoid. It is approximately equal to sea level.

The earth is still well approximated by an oblate spheroid; its equatorial radius is about 22 km greater than its polar radius (Mt. Everest is only 8.8 km above sea level). The geoid deviates only about +/- 100 meters from this, mainly due to a non-homogeneous interior. But those deviations are still very important to those living on coastlines.

Bodies that turn more slowly are much closer to being perfectly spherical, e.g., Sol (our sun), Mercury, Venus and Luna (our moon).

Yah, worth mentioning. Even on my wee 2" Galileo-scope Jupiter is slightly oblate, AND has surface features. Which change from observation to observation. Almost as if the planet had more surface than it shows me at any specific moment!

Offline LunarOrbit

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #116 on: February 05, 2016, 09:34:01 AM »
I meant "spherical" in a general "I'm explaining it to a moron" kind of way. I didn't want to confuse the poor guy since these are clearly difficult concepts for him.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth.
I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth.
I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
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Offline Zakalwe

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #117 on: February 05, 2016, 09:51:47 AM »
The other planets are very clearly spherical. Not a single one is a flat disc.
Roughly spherical. Jupiter spins so quickly (< 10 hr) that it is visibly flattened in a telescope. Just like the earth, only more so, demonstrating that the earth is just another planet following the same physical laws. It doesn't matter whether the object is solid, liquid, gas or plasma, if it's massive enough to have significant gravity, it will approximately attain the shape (an oblate spheroid) with a constant surface gravitational potential energy. (Note, not constant surface gravitational acceleration; that's the derivative of the potential function with respect to radius, i.e., how quickly the potential energy increases with altitude.) The exact shape of the earth's equipotential surface is called the geoid. It is approximately equal to sea level.

The earth is still well approximated by an oblate spheroid; its equatorial radius is about 22 km greater than its polar radius (Mt. Everest is only 8.8 km above sea level). The geoid deviates only about +/- 100 meters from this, mainly due to a non-homogeneous interior. But those deviations are still very important to those living on coastlines.

Bodies that turn more slowly are much closer to being perfectly spherical, e.g., Sol (our sun), Mercury, Venus and Luna (our moon).

Yah, worth mentioning. Even on my wee 2" Galileo-scope Jupiter is slightly oblate, AND has surface features. Which change from observation to observation. Almost as if the planet had more surface than it shows me at any specific moment!

Heres an animation from world famous amateur astro-photgrapher Damian Peach:

Notice the slight darkening of the edge on the right hand side and the fore-shortening of the great Red Spot due to limb-foreshortening as the planet revolves. There is no known way to explain this is it was a disc.

And one of his Mars projects from 2014, showing a full rotation and a phase of the planet. Again, no way to explain this if it was a disc.

"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline tradosaurus

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #118 on: February 05, 2016, 11:01:33 AM »
I'm glad I was able to entertain the NASA fan boys on here.  As I originally stated my goal was to prove that the globe earth is a religious cult that when questioned becomes extremely defensive and resorts to ridicule.

I never gave the flat earth a thought and was quite disgusted with the idea until about a year ago when I talked to a fellow engineer (fairly young at 26) who calmly walked me through his awakening to reality (the flat earth).

The first observation (true science) was realizing that the horizon is flat no matter how high you go and after taking a flight from Texas to Oregon I could plainly see that the horizon was flatter than a pancake.  Once I could observe that mathematically the globe earth was fiction it was easy to start grasping the other facts and logic of the flat earth.

Since much work has already been completed by others proving the flat earth I would point those of good will to download (for free) the book "200 reasons why the earth is not a spinning ball".

Of course once a person realizes that the Flat Earth is a reality then the logical conclusion is that NASA is a pack of thieves and liars.

NASA:  Faking space for over 50 years.

Offline bknight

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #119 on: February 05, 2016, 11:04:41 AM »
I'm glad I was able to entertain the NASA fan boys on here.  As I originally stated my goal was to prove that the globe earth is a religious cult that when questioned becomes extremely defensive and resorts to ridicule.

I never gave the flat earth a thought and was quite disgusted with the idea until about a year ago when I talked to a fellow engineer (fairly young at 26) who calmly walked me through his awakening to reality (the flat earth).

The first observation (true science) was realizing that the horizon is flat no matter how high you go and after taking a flight from Texas to Oregon I could plainly see that the horizon was flatter than a pancake.  Once I could observe that mathematically the globe earth was fiction it was easy to start grasping the other facts and logic of the flat earth.

Since much work has already been completed by others proving the flat earth I would point those of good will to download (for free) the book "200 reasons why the earth is not a spinning ball".

Of course once a person realizes that the Flat Earth is a reality then the logical conclusion is that NASA is a pack of thieves and liars.

The blind leading the blind err make that ignorant
The height of a commercial flight ~35000' is not nearly high enough to see the curvature, you need to be at ~30-40 miles. Take a look at this launch  curvature seen around 3:30, reported height at 4:19 42 miles.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 11:19:47 AM by bknight »
Truth needs no defense.  Nobody can take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me.
Eugene Cernan