Author Topic: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus  (Read 117681 times)

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #120 on: February 05, 2016, 11:13:46 AM »
I'm glad I was able to entertain the NASA fan boys on here.  As I originally stated my goal was to prove that the globe earth is a religious cult that when questioned becomes extremely defensive and resorts to ridicule.

I never gave the flat earth a thought and was quite disgusted with the idea until about a year ago when I talked to a fellow engineer (fairly young at 26) who calmly walked me through his awakening to reality (the flat earth).

The first observation (true science) was realizing that the horizon is flat no matter how high you go and after taking a flight from Texas to Oregon I could plainly see that the horizon was flatter than a pancake.  Once I could observe that mathematically the globe earth was fiction it was easy to start grasping the other facts and logic of the flat earth.

Since much work has already been completed by others proving the flat earth I would point those of good will to download (for free) the book "200 reasons why the earth is not a spinning ball".

Of course once a person realizes that the Flat Earth is a reality then the logical conclusion is that NASA is a pack of thieves and liars.


"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline tradosaurus

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #121 on: February 05, 2016, 11:22:09 AM »
No. the Antennas are used to broadcast over a flat earth as the British did in the early 20th century before the fiction of satellites were dreamed.
Only the British had broadcast radio? Then there must be something very special about the Atlantic that changes those British accents into American ones before they're received here.

This gets better all the time.

Let me clarify.  It was actually Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor and Electrical Engineer, who transmitted the first radio signal over the Atlantic Ocean (2200 miles) in 1901. 

The BBC actually was the first to begin national broadcasting of a radio program in 1922. 

So the point is that satellites are not needed to broadcast a signal long distances and on a flat earth this is how it is done.  Otherwise why are there still large antennas all over the world if there are supposedly 20,000+ satellites in orbit. 

NASA:  Faking space for over 50 years.

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #122 on: February 05, 2016, 11:25:03 AM »
So the point is that satellites are not needed to broadcast a signal long distances and on a flat earth this is how it is done.  Otherwise why are there still large antennas all over the world if there are supposedly 20,000+ satellites in orbit.

A bit like asking why there still are bicycles in the world when there now are cars.
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #123 on: February 05, 2016, 11:32:40 AM »
So tell us Tradasaurus, who all is in on this conspiracy to promote a flat earth? You don't need individual names, but how about a list of organizations?
The quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" very clearly predates personal computers.

Offline Chew

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #124 on: February 05, 2016, 11:40:02 AM »
Once I could observe that mathematically the globe earth was fiction

Lol. You, do math? Hahaha. Yeah, I asked several times for your math and you had to ignore my requests because you didn't have to the faintest clue where to even start working the math. So don't feed us crap about your mathematical skills.

Offline bknight

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #125 on: February 05, 2016, 11:49:37 AM »
Once I could observe that mathematically the globe earth was fiction

Lol. You, do math? Hahaha. Yeah, I asked several times for your math and you had to ignore my requests because you didn't have to the faintest clue where to even start working the math. So don't feed us crap about your mathematical skills.
Yes, and tradosaurus, I have asked twice this will make the third time, how does your FE work when viewing an oncoming ship.  The first part that becomes visible it is the very top and as the ship gets closer more and more of the ship becomes visible from the top down.  This would not be the case in a FE.  This observation was probably first described at least 800 years ago, way before NASA.
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Offline gillianren

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #126 on: February 05, 2016, 11:53:28 AM »
But the math doesn't make sense.  It kind of almost vaguely worked when people didn't know about the Southern Hemisphere and the scope of the planet, but the more you know about the actual way the Earth works, the less sense it makes.  Which I guess is why it's so appealing to people who aren't very educated?

Anyway, a lot of my basic questions remain unanswered, which is okay, because so do everyone else's.  The simple fact is, FE is a rabbithole of a belief.  Every question "answered" only leads to three more, and none of the answers make any sense.  Two of my favourite media figures, Michael Palin and Werner Herzog, have been to Antarctica and broadcast their journeys.  I don't think Werner made it to the Pole (I don't remember for sure and could be wrong), but Michael Palin sure did.  If the South Pole is fake, why would they let him do that?  And anyone who thinks Werner Herzog could be forced to lie doesn't know Werner Herzog very well.  He'll invent things for his own creative methodology (read: he's kind of nuts), but he's no one's puppet.
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Offline Apollo 957

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #127 on: February 05, 2016, 12:20:58 PM »
A bit like asking why there still are bicycles in the world when there now are cars.

Or why we're still breeding shire horses when we have tractors...

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #128 on: February 05, 2016, 12:21:53 PM »
I'd love to see tradosaurus telling people like Alan Chambers that the world is flat. I've been lucky enough to meet this gentleman (Chambers) and the level of grit that has is something else.

Chapman lead the first unsupported walk to the North Pole going against the flow of ice. He's been to the North geographic pole over 10 times, as well as trekking to the South Pole.
Of course, he's probably part of the great global conspiracy and the £4 million that he's raised for charity by risking his life in polar exploration was all just made up.

So, tradosaurus, is Alan Chapman a liar and a deceiver? Was his MBE an award for keeping schtum?
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline Apollo 957

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #129 on: February 05, 2016, 01:29:12 PM »
So the point is that satellites are not needed to broadcast a signal long distances and on a flat earth this is how it is done.  Otherwise why are there still large antennas all over the world if there are supposedly 20,000+ satellites in orbit.

... and more all the time. Here's a list of forthcoming launches. Do you think the owners of this website are just making this stuff up?

This company provides a tracking service for fleet operaters, and they claim to do this via satellite. That admits two or three possibilities - they're actually doing what they say, they're doing something else to fake what they say they're doing, and fooling their clients, or their clients are 'in on it' too.

Any thoughts?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 01:33:46 PM by Apollo 957 »

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #130 on: February 05, 2016, 01:47:57 PM »
As I originally stated my goal was to prove that the globe earth is a religious cult that when questioned becomes extremely defensive and resorts to ridicule.

In other words your goal was to provoke people. So you are a troll. OK, expect a ban any time now then.

I never gave the flat earth a thought and was quite disgusted with the idea until about a year ago

Bull. I thought for a while something seemed familiar about all this.

Or do you really expect us to believe you thought it was a globe at the centre in 2007 and only recently converted to it being flat at the centre? You are a troll and a liar. Did you get bored in the intervening nine years or are you simply cycling through discussion boards for a laugh?
Since much work has already been completed by others proving the flat earth I would point those of good will to download (for free) the book "200 reasons why the earth is not a spinning ball".

Ah, so business has been slow. Trying to drum up a bit more, are you?
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain

Offline DonQuixote

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #131 on: February 05, 2016, 01:50:01 PM »
I'm glad I was able to entertain the NASA fan boys on here.  As I originally stated my goal was to prove that the globe earth is a religious cult that when questioned becomes extremely defensive and resorts to ridicule.

To be fair, those who invite ridicule are likely to be obliged, regardless of where on the wide, wide web they go.

As an intellectual exercise, I'd invite you to try role-playing on a Flat Earth forum sometime, and see how accommodating they are. Just show up and pose some of the same questions there that have been posed to you here. See how quickly they abandon civility and compare that to the reception you've received here. Remember - don't cave in! Don't budge one iota from your established position precisely as you've done here, and see how long it takes them to resort to name-calling and vulgarity.

Please feel free to share your experience.
You can lead a fool to knowledge, but you can not make him think.

Offline bknight

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #132 on: February 05, 2016, 01:51:54 PM »
As I originally stated my goal was to prove that the globe earth is a religious cult that when questioned becomes extremely defensive and resorts to ridicule.

In other words your goal was to provoke people. So you are a troll. OK, expect a ban any time now then.

I never gave the flat earth a thought and was quite disgusted with the idea until about a year ago

Bull. I thought for a while something seemed familiar about all this.

Or do you really expect us to believe you thought it was a globe at the centre in 2007 and only recently converted to it being flat at the centre? You are a troll and a liar. Did you get bored in the intervening nine years or are you simply cycling through discussion boards for a laugh?
Since much work has already been completed by others proving the flat earth I would point those of good will to download (for free) the book "200 reasons why the earth is not a spinning ball".

Ah, so business has been slow. Trying to drum up a bit more, are you?
Nice Research, he is indeed a troll
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Offline smartcooky

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #133 on: February 05, 2016, 02:22:39 PM »
Let me clarify.  It was actually Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor and Electrical Engineer, who transmitted the first radio signal over the Atlantic Ocean (2200 miles) in 1901. 

The BBC actually was the first to begin national broadcasting of a radio program in 1922. 

So the point is that satellites are not needed to broadcast a signal long distances and on a flat earth this is how it is done.  Otherwise why are there still large antennas all over the world if there are supposedly 20,000+ satellites in orbit. 

This one statement shows just how ignorant you are of radio. Marconi used very low frequencies for his transatlantic broadcasts, way down in the ELF range, about 45 kHz. They were little more than spark transmitters, for which the broadcast frequency is determined by the resonant mean frequency of the antenna system. His early experiments were conducted in the vhf/uhf range, (60 to 600 Mhz). This has a wavelength (and therefore a full wave antenna length) of a half to one metre. He found that the range of his broadcasts were only line of sight because at that frequency, the signal cannot travel around the curvature of the earth.

By the time he established communications across the Channel in 1899 he would have been using lower frequencies (and therefore longer antenna systems, but in order to try transatlantic communications, the required aerial length  had to be increased dramatically. His initial station at Table Head, Glace Bay, Nova Scotia was a massive structure comprising 400 wires suspended from four 61 metre wooden towers, with down leads brought together in an inverted cone at the point of entry into the building. The frequency was 182 kHz. By 1904 his English antenna had become a pyramidal monopole with umbrella wires, and the frequency was 70 kHz. In 1905 his Canadian antenna, moved to Marconi Towers, Glace Bay was a capacitive top-loaded structure, with 200 horizontal radial wires each 305 metres long, at a height of 55 metres, and the frequency was 82 kHz.   By late in 1907 he was using a frequency of 45 kHz - that translated to a full wavelength of over 6½ kilometres!!!

The whole point if this is to make you realise that VHF communications such as terrestrial TV and FM Radio does not work over long distances. If you tune into your FM Radio and identify the location of every station you can hear, they will all be within just a few kilometres of where you are located. There are over 44,000 FM stations world wide, but only around 100 channels in the FM band, so on average each channel is shared by around 440 stations If the earth were flat, your FM radio would pick up every radio station in the world - the band would be a cacophony of unintelligible noise on every channel where there wasn't a station really close to you - the only way that FM band sharing works is because the curvature of the earth separates their signals.
If you're not a scientist but you think you've destroyed the foundation of a vast scientific edifice with 10 minutes of Googling, you might want to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

Offline DonQuixote

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Re: A flat Earth thread for Tradosaurus
« Reply #134 on: February 05, 2016, 02:43:01 PM »
The whole point if this is to make you realise that VHF communications such as terrestrial TV and FM Radio does not work over long distances. If you tune into your FM Radio and identify the location of every station you can hear, they will all be within just a few kilometres of where you are located. There are over 44,000 FM stations world wide, but only around 100 channels in the FM band, so on average each channel is shared by around 440 stations If the earth were flat, your FM radio would pick up every radio station in the world - the band would be a cacophony of unintelligible noise on every channel where there wasn't a station really close to you - the only way that FM band sharing works is because the curvature of the earth separates their signals.

Excellent information, and an insightful illustration of yet another way that a Flat Earth doesn't(pardon the pun) hold water.

In the same vein, I've seen them trying to say that since flights "vanish" over large bodies of water(most specifically in the southern hemisphere) that this is evidence that the pilots are "turning off the GPS" to hide their actual flight paths. I've tried to explain that the flight tracker sites from which they're getting their information rely on ground-based radar tracking stations to provide planes' current positions, and that it's the very curvature of the globe that they're denying that prevents real-time radar tracking, but it's all in vain.

At least until the real GPS tracking comes online. I can't wait to see what mental gymnastics FEs will use to explain that.
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