The truth,we really shouldn't have to go to these extremes to prove the validity of the Apollo missions I was watching a short film clip of the LEM ascending up over the lunar landscape,back up to the CM and I noticed the surface was imprinted with rover tracks, foot prints,etc,that alone is proof enough I'm not a image specialist ,nor do I know a lot about computer generated images,but I'm smart enough to know,you could not of faked images of that clarity and detail in 1972.We just didn't have the equipment ,nor did we have the imaging software.If your still not convinced,compare Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey sci fi film to some of the scenes in the documentary,For All Mankind,which used footage taken from NASA's frozen film archive .You don't need to be a PhD image specialist or anything for that matter, to figure out which scenes are the real images filmed in space.I'm sorry but anybody arguing the images validity is really is being ignorant to the facts,you just can't deny evidence like this.