Author Topic: Moon hoax?? a simple test you can do to prove  (Read 18933 times)

Offline Dalhousie

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Re: Moon hoax?? a simple test you can do to prove
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2016, 10:01:18 PM »
Me too! ;D

Offline Willoughby

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Re: Moon hoax?? a simple test you can do to prove
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2017, 11:26:18 AM »
I'm a little confused by you guys. How long are you saying it takes a rock hammer or carpenters hammer to hit the ground when dropped from chest high?? I'll admit that judging the time is guess work, but I still judge the moon hammer drop and my hammer drop as being very close in time and nowhere close to 6 times different.

I understand that this has already been pointed out, but in case Miker is still quietly lingering (or for anyone else interested), here's a simple explanation as to why :

To calculate the time it takes an object to fall, this is the simple equation you can use :

t = √(2d/g) where 'd' is the distance(height) from which you drop the object and 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity

Since 'g' is the denominator of the term (2d/g) and 't' is equal to the SQUARE ROOT of that term, then you can easily deduce that 't' is INVERSELY proportional to the square root of 'g'.  That is to say - if you double 'g', then you multiply 't' by the square root of the inverse of 2 - or 1/2.  In this case, we are comparing the gravity of the moon to the Earth.  This works going both directions.  If you start by noting that the acceleration on the moon is 1/6th of the Earth, then the time it takes something to fall on the moon (t(m)) is √6/1 times the time it takes on Earth (t(e)) - or about 2.45t(e).  If you start by noting that the acceleration on the Earth is 6 times that of the moon, then t(e) = √(1/6) * t(m) - or about 0.408t(m).

It's funny because there are many videos online that are purposely sped up to "reveal" what the "original speed" looked like, and most of these are sped up by a factor of 2 (because it's a nice easy number??) - and here Miker is suggesting they should be sped up by a factor of 6.  It's just another case of hoaxers being unable to agree on anything, and all being wrong.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 11:46:17 AM by Willoughby »

Offline Glom

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Re: Moon hoax?? a simple test you can do to prove
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2017, 12:55:36 PM »
It's the only place in Hollywood where a colon comes out of an idea, instead of....

You owe me a new keyboard.
Jay smash?

Offline bknight

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Re: Moon hoax?? a simple test you can do to prove
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2017, 01:04:56 PM »
I'm a little confused by you guys. How long are you saying it takes a rock hammer or carpenters hammer to hit the ground when dropped from chest high?? I'll admit that judging the time is guess work, but I still judge the moon hammer drop and my hammer drop as being very close in time and nowhere close to 6 times different.

I understand that this has already been pointed out, but in case Miker is still quietly lingering (or for anyone else interested), here's a simple explanation as to why :

To calculate the time it takes an object to fall, this is the simple equation you can use :

t = √(2d/g) where 'd' is the distance(height) from which you drop the object and 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity

Since 'g' is the denominator of the term (2d/g) and 't' is equal to the SQUARE ROOT of that term, then you can easily deduce that 't' is INVERSELY proportional to the square root of 'g'.  That is to say - if you double 'g', then you multiply 't' by the square root of the inverse of 2 - or 1/2.  In this case, we are comparing the gravity of the moon to the Earth.  This works going both directions.  If you start by noting that the acceleration on the moon is 1/6th of the Earth, then the time it takes something to fall on the moon (t(m)) is √6/1 times the time it takes on Earth (t(e)) - or about 2.45t(e).  If you start by noting that the acceleration on the Earth is 6 times that of the moon, then t(e) = √(1/6) * t(m) - or about 0.408t(m).

It's funny because there are many videos online that are purposely sped up to "reveal" what the "original speed" looked like, and most of these are sped up by a factor of 2 (because it's a nice easy number??) - and here Miker is suggesting they should be sped up by a factor of 6.  It's just another case of hoaxers being unable to agree on anything, and all being wrong.

His observation is reveals a total lack of understanding simple physics, and you provided them for him to look at and hopefully realize his error.
Truth needs no defense.  Nobody can take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me.
Eugene Cernan