Author Topic: Shenzhou 7?  (Read 196208 times)

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #270 on: July 04, 2012, 05:03:28 AM »
I don't know. That was Dr. Zheng's statement... Not mine.

And there's the problem. You have taken his statement without doing any kind of verification of it and simply posted that because you agree with him. You haven't even checked to see if he has any valid points, what his area of expertise is, whether he might have some political bias for his statements, or anything, or asked the questions of him that we have been asking of you. All you have done is grab the nearest named 'expert' who agrees with you and gone: 'see, he agrees and he works for JPL, so there must be something in it!'
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Offline Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #271 on: July 04, 2012, 05:15:50 AM »
Also, no one doubts the Russian achievements, not a single one.
There are plenty of people who doubt the Russian space achievements of the early sixties. If you mean experts, I haven't done much research into that and couldn't tell you.
What do you think about that Vincent?

I think I feel totally indifferent. What's your point?


Once again you are selective in response to questions.

I am not asking what other people think about the Russian space achievements. I am asking you.

Add to the fact the Chinese are using space ship and space suit technology influenced by directly by Russian technology, which has a proven pedigree that spans decades.

Also, no one doubts the Russian achievements, not a single one. All the Chinese are doing is replicating things that the Russians have done, using technology derived from the Russians.

What do you think about that Vincent?

In case you found the above question difficult, let me say it again:

The Chinese carried out their space walk using technology derived from proven Russian technology that has accomplished identical tasks to the chinese decades before. Simply put, the technology used by the Chinese is undoubtably capable of performing a space walk. Do you doubt this is the case? If yes, tell us why using your own words, not relying on vague handwaving, references to so called"experts" (who you still have failed to  identify, BTW) etc.

In short, no bullshit please.
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Offline ka9q

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #272 on: July 04, 2012, 10:15:19 AM »
Orbital Mechanics aren't that complicated. If there was anything wrong with his analysis, we'd all notice.
I did notice.

Offline Andromeda

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #273 on: July 04, 2012, 11:36:19 AM »
2. Why do you choose to believe a single non-expert over many experts in this matter?
No. I simply used him as evidence that some experts do doubt this mission.

So you took the opinion of ONE NON-EXPERT and somehow turned it into SOME EXPERTS?  Seriously?

Well, I'm an expert and so are several others here.  We say it was real - why do you accept Dr Zheng's opinion and reject ours.

FTR I also contacted Dr Zheng to clear this matter up.  He has not responded.
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Offline gillianren

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #274 on: July 04, 2012, 03:01:17 PM »
Well, to be fair, Emma, he'll have today off work.  I mean, there are probably some security guys and janitors working, and presumably anyone tracking an active mission, but most of that campus is empty today.
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Offline Andromeda

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #275 on: July 04, 2012, 03:13:20 PM »
Well, to be fair, Emma, he'll have today off work.  I mean, there are probably some security guys and janitors working, and presumably anyone tracking an active mission, but most of that campus is empty today.

I emailed him on 29th June.
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov.

Offline Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #276 on: July 04, 2012, 03:38:32 PM »
As in "why was it impossible for China"? Like I said, I really don't know, and since I don't, I won't claim to. I plan to take an intellectually honest approach to this. That's how science works. It's my personal hypothesis that maybe they didn't have man-rated spacecraft that had sufficient life support to keep a man alive or they weren't confident with putting a man in orbit. But that's only an educated guess and because of China's secrecy, it's hard to find evidence to back that. The closest thing I can do is try to show that the missions themselves were faked based on the videos and photos provided.

You fail, son.
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Offline gillianren

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #277 on: July 04, 2012, 04:21:40 PM »
I emailed him on 29th June.

That, I can't excuse.  It is distinctly possible that he never expected anyone to care what he thought about the spacewalk.  He might be wanting people to leave him alone on the subject.  But if that's the case, he never should have made a statement about it in the first place.
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #278 on: July 04, 2012, 09:20:35 PM »
FTR I also contacted Dr Zheng to clear this matter up.  He has not responded.

I'd be surprised if he does.  If he has any PR skills at all he will stay focused on his FUD politics and as far away as he can from actually committing anything to writing about such a peripheral issue.  Once the possibility of fakery is raised, detailed discussion will only undermine the doubt. 
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Offline Andromeda

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #279 on: July 05, 2012, 04:04:54 AM »
FTR I also contacted Dr Zheng to clear this matter up.  He has not responded.

I'd be surprised if he does.  If he has any PR skills at all he will stay focused on his FUD politics and as far away as he can from actually committing anything to writing about such a peripheral issue.  Once the possibility of fakery is raised, detailed discussion will only undermine the doubt.

So why did he reply to Vincent?

FTR, I got Jason to check over my email and it was very diplomatic.  I simply stated that I had read his comments online and wished to check if the article was accurate and if Dr Zheng believed the video alone was faked or the whole mission.
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov.

Offline Andromeda

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #280 on: July 05, 2012, 04:09:56 AM »

How interesting, that around the same time I posted here last night saying I hadn't received a reply, Dr Zheng emailed me!  (I just this minute checked my inbox).  I assume he is either watching the board or someone else has contacted him about my posts.  Hi Dr Zheng! 

His reply is as follows:

From the video itself, with orbital data (tracked by U.S.) I am sure the video was faked—at least not a live one.

Video plus other pieces of evidence, I doubt the spacewalk ever happened.

The spacecraft, its launch, and its return was real.



If I am breaking forum rules by posting this email, please remove it.  However, given that these are the same statements Dr Zheng made to the "newspaper" (snerk) and to Vincent and gave Vincent permission to post them I decided to copy the email in its entirety for the purposes of transparency.

I have not decided whether or not to follow up this email with questions about the other evidence, which I am interested to hear his take on.  Thoughts, anyone?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 04:15:09 AM by Andromeda »
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov.

Offline Andromeda

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #281 on: July 05, 2012, 06:20:39 AM »
FTR - Dr Zheng's email also says "affiliate", which I take to mean that he is associated with JPL but is not an employee.  Vincent didn't mention that!
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov.

Offline SolusLupus

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #282 on: July 05, 2012, 10:06:47 AM »
So, of Vincent's "some experts", we have one non-expert that at least thinks that the video wasn't live after all, at most thinks that the space walk never happened...

Even though the Chinese do have the technology to go into space.

Even though this space walk has been done before by both the US and the USSR.

Even though China has done all the preliminary stuff that leads to this point.

Mostly because of orbital data tracked by the US (which isn't the best source, given how quickly course corrections do come about), and "the video itself" plus "other pieces of evidence", which he seems to be deliberately sketchy about.

Well, I'm convinced.
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #283 on: July 05, 2012, 12:32:39 PM »
FTR I also contacted Dr Zheng to clear this matter up.  He has not responded.

I'd be surprised if he does.  If he has any PR skills at all he will stay focused on his FUD politics and as far away as he can from actually committing anything to writing about such a peripheral issue.  Once the possibility of fakery is raised, detailed discussion will only undermine the doubt.

So why did he reply to Vincent?

My ability to underestimate the extent of peoples hoax belief is yet again shown for what it is.  I have this tendency to assume it is tactical while in reality it is almost always genuine and practical. 
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline twik

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Re: Shenzhou 7?
« Reply #284 on: July 05, 2012, 12:34:26 PM »
My, what a lot of evidence and reasoning went into that answer!

"I'm sure it was faked. Trust me on this."