Moonbounce simply wouldn't be reliable enough to produce the claimed effect consistently, with the correct time delay, over the course of many days. It needs ideal conditions to work, and the person with whom you are having the discussion needs to explain exactly how it would work. How, for example, would a conversation supposedly being held in the continental US be bounced to the moon and received in Australia, or Madrid?
Being in LEO would also require comms stations to be changed every 10-15 minutes, not the several hours they actually were (check the difference in the transcripts between Apollo 7 and 9 compared with the lunar missions).
Being in LEO would also stop them from taking images, or broadcasting live TV, of the entire Earth - just not possible.
This kind of handwaving is usually regarded as sufficient by hoax proponents, but unfortunately they need to explain it properly, not just drop the mic and think they're done.