Cosmic ray fluxes, consisting of completely ionized atomic nuclei originating outside the solar system and accelerated to very high energies, provided average dose rates of 1.0 millirads per hour in cislunar space** and 0.6 millirads per hour on the lunar surface.
Interesting. It would appear that the dose is less on your highly radioactive surface than in cisluanr space. Any comments?
Now let's take a key point about this data and the CRaTER data. See that word in bold -
average. Let's investigate the idea of an average and actual dosimeter readings. Let's say that we measure the dose each day with a detector in space, this gives us a sequence in arbitrary units.
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
What is the average daily dose for the 15 days?
What would you average dose read for a mission that occurred during the first 5 days?
Now compare your received dose for the mission with the average daily dose recorded by the detector in space. What can you say about the notion of average dose and actual measured dose over a mission?