The deviations on a logarithmic scale are set at logarithmic intervals with the marks getting closer as you as you approach the top.
Which is
EXACTLY what that graph is. It just doesn't show the intermediate tick marks, for clarity!
See these two graphs? One generated by CRaTER (on the left) and one created by Luke. Luke's graph only shows the data for detector 1, which is the dark blue line on the CRaTER graph.
See how they are basically exactly the same? How the heights of the peaks is the same on both charts, on the logarithmic scale? The only difference is the labels, and the fact the one has the axis in centigrays per day and one in milligrays per day, so there is a factor of 10 difference. Both are logarithmic plots.
Can you really not see that the difference between 10
4 and 10
3 is bigger than the difference between 10
3 and 10
2? Or do you think that the gap between 10,000 and 1,000 is the same as the gap between 1,000 and 100? Or between 0.1 and 0.01?