With regard to the radiation issue, your initial claim was that the GCR flux made the surface more radioactive when you meant that the radiation levels increased. You initially confused radioactivity with ionising radiation. Can you see why your misunderstanding of basic scientific ideas does not help your cause?
You have finally found an article that tells us that KREEP is radioactive. We never denied the soils and rocks were radioactive when helping you understand the difference between ionising radiation and radioactivity. What levels of radiation does the KREEP present? Please provide a number that a radiologist would require to assess the hazard. At the moment your argument is that its radioactive so it must be bad. Let's put this into context of your source material.
You have found an article that discusses the incorporation of lunar soils in protective habitats for long term missions and the associated increase in radioactivity from those soils. You equated this to the Apollo astronauts being in mortal danger. The exposure from radiation (of all kinds) on a short term mission is significantly less compared with a long term mission. You are using one article to discuss exposure over a long time, and extrapolating that to the risks for a mission that lasted a few days, all with the hand waving argument that 'radiation is bad mmmm-kay!'. It's apples and oranges again.
As for your one data point being less than 0.24 mGr/day. You brought data to the table, misinterpreted the log scale and drew an erroneous conclusion. We've explained to you that using graphs offers a visual representation but you need to look at the numbers. There are whole swathes of data points below the floor level YOU set. To add, this is for data in a less active cycle compared to the cycle pertinent to the Apollo missions.
To make matters worse, you've presented your median and mean data and don't have the slightest inkling of the difference between a median and a mean. You've even argued that saying a mean average is a little like having a stutter. I wrote in that way for your benefit, to ensure that I was being clear between a mean and a median with you. I've seen scientific material that uses the phrase 'mean average.' So please don't criticise you critics when they are doing their utmost to be clear what they mean, yet you cannot even offer and semblance of understanding scientific terms correctly.
Your initial claim was proven incorrect, and you simply aren't prepared to admit this. That's the issue. You've been caught out like every other blow hard before. You didn't think it through did you?
The really tragic aspect of this debacle, is like Jarrah White and others before you, you've make mistake after mistake with the language of science, but cannot simply put you hand up and say I was wrong. You dig further and further into a hole with your 'cut and paste' argument. Finally you throw that much material at your critics in the hope it sticks, like all the blow hards before, you finish with the refutation of your own claim. Why? Because you have no expertise in this domain, the material that you throw up in the air as your 'proof' becomes contradictory as you attempt to compare material based on different assumptions. In the end you paper over the cracks as you thrash around with scientific ideas that you cannot join together in a coherent manner. You are scientifically illiterate, that's the only conclusion I draw form this thread.