All the data is lined up numerically from high to low. If GCR was the dominant component you would expect the curve to be flat
Why? The GCR background is modulated by solar activity and hence is not constant (as is clear from the riginal CraTER graph). If it is not constant the curve cannot be flat.
with a sudden upstart to reflect the SPE component.
Why? SPEs are not events with certain magnitudes, and their directionality will also affect the amount of radiation reaching the detectors. In fact that kind of continuum is exactly what you would expect from something recording radiation reaching a detector in a particular location when the object emitting the radiation is spherical and blasting it off from various points on its surface.
That suggest the SPE component is the major contributor to background radiation.
SPEs are discrete events.
It is also of note that the lowest readings do not suggest a low enough value to have supported a lunar transit.
Virtually the whole left side of that curve falls below 0.2mGy/day.